Chapter 5

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The next morning, I rushed to my economics class, having woken up late. I pushed through the traffic, finding a parking spot. I hopped out of my truck, pushing the button to lock it, racing to my class. I walked in class, sitting in the nearest empty seat. A cute blonde girl, looked me up and down, grinning widely as I walked past her. I smirked at her, pulling a pencil out of my bag. She turned back to look at me again, smirking into her shoulder.

"Hi." I say, quietly, winking at her. She blushed, pushing her lips together.

"Aren't you Mr. Darcy?" She asks, tucking her long blonde curl behind her ear. I nodded at her, winking again.

"Do you want an autograph or something?" I ask, tucking my pencil behind my ear. She got up, moving two seats backwards so she was sitting next to me. The class started filling up, as the professor came in.

"No, I want to play." She winked, turning her attention back to the professor. My heart thumped a little, as our professor started handing out tests. I grabbed my test from the person in front of me, catching a glimpse of this blonde girl again. She was staring at me, her eyes fixated on my package.

"I have a girlfriend." I lie, smiling at her.

"She doesn't have to know. It can be our little secret." She said, writing her name on her test. I smirk at her, grabbing my pencil from my ear.

"Now, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I cheated on my girlfriend every chance I got?" I say, reading the first question. She frowned, turning back to her test.

An hour later, I turned my test into the professor, walking out of the classroom. The blonde girl rushed out behind me, handing me a piece of paper.

"I'm Amber." She said, quickly walking away. I opened the paper, her number scribbled on it. I rolled my eyes, these women were relentless. I walked down to the parking garage, unlocking my truck as I opened the driver side door. I hopped in, starting it and buckling my seatbelt. I drove towards home, turning down Randolph to the parking garage for my building. I pulled into my assigned parking spot, putting my truck in park. I turned, noticing a long hair brunette crying forcefully in her car. Elizabeth? I pulled my phone out, dialing her number. The phone line trilled in my ear, as I watched the brunette girl intently. She pulled her phone out, crying harder as she looked down at the screen. Damn, I make her sad? She wiped her tears away with a tissue, answering the phone.

"Hello?" She sniffled, as I drew my attention away from her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, careful not to reveal where I was.

"Yeah, I'm great. How about yourself?"

"I'm good, just pulled into the parking garage. I was about to go upstairs and make dinner. What did you have planned for the night." I ask, looking her way, I watched her look around frantically. Her eyes met mine and I smiled softly, pretending like I just noticed her.

"Are you staring at me right now?" She asked, stepping out of her car and walking towards my truck.

"Maybe." I said as she approached my truck, I unlocked the door as she hopped in, hanging up.

"How long have you been sitting here?" She pried, looking at me, her hazel eyes rimmed red.

"Not long." I say, reaching for her cheek, grazing it with the back of my hand. "Have you been crying?" I ask, cupping her cheek in my large hand.

"No..well yeah, but I'm okay. It was just a rough day, I'll be fine." She said nervously, wiping under eye.

"Are you sure? We can talk about it. I'm a great listener." I say, pulling my hand away from her face. I touched her fingers, locking my fingers in hers.

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