Chapter 2

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     The next day, I woke up to my almost black German shepherd licking my face. I started laughing and scratching behind his ears.

"Gage, stop. Sit, wait." I said, laughing as Gage's long tongue licked my cheek. Gage hopped around the bed excitedly, hopping off the bed and barking at me. I groaned, sitting up and stretching. "Do you have to go potties?" I ask the hyper pup. Gage barked, licking my hand. I sat up, my bare chest exposed from sleeping shirtless. I was tall, very tall and lean, but tone. My shaggy black hair matted to my head, I shook my head, loosening my hair. I grabbed the leash, hooking it to Gage's collar, grabbing a shirt from the floor. I walked through my condo, through the living room to the foyer. I slipped on my slippers, opening the door, and grabbing my keys. Gage pulled me to the elevators, his tail wagging happily. I pressed the button, waiting for the elevator to make it to my floor. I scratched behind Gage's ears, kneeling to kiss the excited pup's head.

"You're such a good boy," I say in a cooing voice, rubbing his head. The elevator dinged open and I led Gage in. We proceed down and out of the elevator, walking through the lobby towards the outside. I walked Gage around, letting him do his business. We walked back towards the lobby. After I checked the mail, we walked towards the elevators again. I led Gage through the lobby, recalling last night with the girl in the elevator. Elizabeth. I pushed my floor, silently wishing I had asked for her number, as the doors closed. When the doors opened again, an older gentleman walked onto the elevator, as Gage and I walked off. He smelled of liquor and cigarettes, someone must've had a good night. I opened the door to my condo, taking the leash off Gage. Gage ran to his water bowl, his tongue lapping it loudly. I plopped down on my large couch, grabbing one of the pillows and tucking it behind my head. Gage jumped on the couch, circling until he plopped down at my feet. I scrolled through my phone, checking my messages. Maya had texted me this morning, letting him know how much fun she had. I was happy she had a good time, but she wasn't for me. It was a little past eleven on a Sunday. I wanted to go out, but knew with friends would be better. I knew it would help me relax for class tomorrow and I hadn't seen the guys in a few weeks. Fuck it.

Caleb: Yo, wanna come over and get litty?

Mitch: Down, be there in an hour. I'll bring some girls too.

Caleb: Cool, let Luke know too.

Mitch: Bet, got you.

I sat up and scratched Gage behind the ears, heading towards my bathroom. My penthouse condo had three bedrooms, two full baths, and a half bath. Everything is modern, my countertops a white granite, my kitchen cabinets, white with metal handles. My floors were a deep brown wood, the view of the lake was my favorite part about it. It went on for miles, with Navy Pier as the main focus. I smiled, as I looked down at the sea of people, walking up and down the boardwalk. This was possibly the best gift his father could've ever given him. My relationship with my father was strained and I had no pleasure in trying to fix what was already broken. My father had given me this condo as a hush present, to keep his name out of the tabloids the first time. Even though I felt he should've been committed and tried for his white-collar crimes. I accepted it with no hast, I knew this was the last thing I'd need to set me up. I go to law school full time and work at this law firm three times a week. Sometimes I wished I would've just dropped out. This was all my father's dream anyway, but I'd invested so much of my life. I only have a semester left before I get my degree. I sighed to myself, walking to my master bath. I opened the glass shower door, turning the water on. The bathroom is rustic in style but modern with greys and whites painted on the walls. Some of the walls were covered in rough rocky granite, including the shower. The floors are a rustic tile that led to my walk-in closet with my plethora of suits. I grabbed a suit shirt off the rack and a pair of black 502 Levi's, walking to my bedroom and throwing them on the bed. My room was my second favorite room in the house. It looked over the lake as well and the sunrises were the best to wake up to. I undressed, throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper in my closet. I opened the glass shower door, letting the water rush over my face. I needed some time with the guys, it had been a while.

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