Chapter 20

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When Saturday finally came, Elizabeth showed up right on time for us to head to my parents in Glencoe. She slid into the cab as I pulled out of the parking spot.

"You look beautiful." I say as I pull out onto the road. She was wearing a sparkly black dress, with matching black pumps and a small black Coach clutch.

"Thank you, hope this was okay." She said, tugging on the dress, trying to cover her knees.

"You look ravishing, I can't wait to take that dress off you later." I said, squeezing her thigh. She blushed heavily, squeezing my hand.

"Oh my, stop it." She said bashfully. I chuckled, merging onto Lake Shore Drive. I smiled at her as we headed north on Lake Shore Drive.

When we got to my parents, she looked at the house in awe. The white columns lined neatly in the front of the three story mansion.

"You grew up here?" She asked as I walked around the truck.

"Yes, is it menacing?" I ask, walking up the drive.

"A little, I guess I wasn't expecting it to be this, uh, big." She said as we approached the front door. I rang the bell, smiling down at her as the bell rippled through the house. Thomas, our family's butler, answered and smiled widely at me.

"Mr. Caleb, it's so nice to see you again!" He said excited, ushering us in. I shook his hand firmly, leading Elizabeth in. She looked around, her eyes fixated on all the art my mother had lined along the walls. The foyer was bigger than most, the dark brown staircase wrapped up the wall on both sides. The matching dark brown wood covered the floors, leading to the kitchen. She gasped as we walked into the kitchen. The granite countertops and white cabinets lining the walls. All new stainless steel appliances and farm sink opened the kitchen to a modern look.

"Wow, this kitchen is.." She was cut off by my sister, Casey walking in.

"Caleb!" She yelled excitedly, running towards me. She hopped up into my arms as I swung her around, squeezing her tightly. I put her down, hugging her again.

"How are you Casey? How's school?" I ask, sitting down on the island bar chair.

"Forget school, who is this?" She wiggled her eyebrows, looking at Elizabeth. I chuckled, grabbing Elizabeth's hand.

"This is Elizabeth Brooks, my girlfriend." I say, introducing them. Casey pulled Elizabeth in for a tight hug. Elizabeth hugged her back, smiling nervously at her.

"Hi, I'm Casey, the younger obnoxious sister." She said, sitting down next to me.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you. He talks about you and Carla so much." She said, standing closely behind me.

"I heard my name." Carla said, entering the kitchen. Her brunette hair flowed past her shoulders. Her tight black dress hugged her body as her heels clicked against the wooden floor. I stood up, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing.

"Ugh, I've missed you both, how have you been?" I ask, pulling back to look at her.

"I've been okay, been in Milan a lot the past few months. How have you been? I see you have someone way out of your league on your arm." She smiled at Elizabeth. "I'm Carla, it's nice to meet you." She said, shaking Elizabeth's hand.

"It's very nice to meet you as well." Elizabeth said, blushing heavily.

"Seriously, how'd you manage to trick her into dating you, she's absolutely gorgeous!" Carla said, sitting on the other side of the island.

"Luck." I say, kissing Elizabeth's hand.

"I wouldn't say that." Elizabeth said modestly.

"Well my brother is a handful." Carla teased, pouring wine in a glass.

"I definitely agree." She said, kissing my cheek. I smiled at my sisters, chuckling. My smile soon faded when my father made his way into the kitchen.

"Son, it's nice to see you." He said, walking towards me. My mother followed behind him, smiling at me. He shook my hand firmly, grabbing the wine from the center of the island, pouring himself a glass.

"Hi mom, how have you been?" I ask, standing to hug her. I wrapped my arms around my mother. Her fragile frame gripped me tightly, pulling back to kiss my cheek.

"I've been good honey, it's good to see you." She said, pulling away and squeezing my hand. I smiled softly at her, grabbing a wine glass from the center of the island.

"This is Elizabeth Brooks, my girlfriend." I say again, introducing her to my parents.

"It's nice to meet you honey." My mother said, pulling Elizabeth in for a hug. She gripped her tightly, pulling back and smiling at her.

"It's nice to meet you as well." My mother smiled as she walked over to my sister, sitting next to her as my father poured her a glass of wine. He poured wine in the glass I was holding, smiling at me. I handed the glass to Elizabeth as I stood up, walking over to the bar in one of the living rooms. I grabbed a whiskey glass, pouring some aged whiskey in it. I swirled it around, drinking it all quickly. I poured another in my glass, walking back to the kitchen. Everyone had started asking Elizabeth a plethora of questions.

"Guys, chill! Don't overwhelm her with your damn questions." I say, sitting down next to her.

"It's okay, I don't mind." She said, smiling widely.

"Shut up Caleb, we were just trying to get to know her." Carla said, rolling her eyes and sipping her wine.

"Yeah, shut up." Casey teased, smirking. I knew this was a way for my sisters to pry without issue. I chuckled, swirling the liquor in my glass. I noticed my father had left the room, go figure. Always fucking working. I brought my attention back to the girls, smiling at Elizabeth as she giggled at what Carla said. My father reappeared, motioning for me to follow him. I groaned internally, finishing off my glass of whiskey and setting it on the island. I kissed Elizabeth, whispering 'I'll be back' before disappearing into the family room. I followed behind my father into his office on the west side of the house.

"Please have a seat." He said, fixing himself a drink. I sat in a chair, watching him walk over to his desk. He was wearing a suit that hugged his fit body. His dirty blonde hair slicked to the side.

"Caleb, I know you are upset with me for how I was when you were a child, but you have to understand I did all of this for you and your sisters." He said, sipping his drink. I scoff, standing up and grabbing a glass pouring whiskey into it.

"Yeah, so you've said. I don't care, I didn't come here to talk about it." I said, sipping my drink.

"I think we should, you seem so resentful and I don't want you to turn into a bitter old man like me." He said shortly, sipping his drink. I scoff, I'll never be like you.

"Honestly, I don't care to talk about anything with you. I only came here to see mom and the girls." I said harshly, rubbing my thumb over my index knuckle. He sighed, taking a bigger gulp of his cocktail.

"I want you to have the money Caleb, you never know when you might start a family of your own. I want you to have a life without many worries, not like the ones I've had." He said as I looked into his piercing blue eyes. I scoffed, shaking my head in distaste.

"Why do I have to take it? What could I possibly need with the money when I will have enough on MY own to support my future family?" I ask, standing and walking over to the bar and pouring a glass of whiskey. I took a big gulp, quickly pouring more.

"I think you should put it away then if you have no use for it now. We can make arrangements to put it away for you or maybe invest in a stock." He offered, waving his glass as he spoke. I shook my head, heading for the door.

"Do what you want with it, I want nothing to do with it. Please don't ask me again, if you need me to sign something to give it back I will." I say, leaving the glass on a table by the door. I walked out of his office, my chest on fire with anxiety. I took a deep breath as I turned the corner heading back to the kitchen. I hoped this was the last I'd hear about the money. I wanted nothing from him. I needed nothing from him. 

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