Chapter 4

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      The class was tedious and as much as I hated to admit it. I still wish I quit and went full-time with this Sparkle shit. But I know, I will never be like my father. I knew I was going to be a great attorney someday, maybe even a Judge when I'm older. I was heading back to my apartment, walking south on Wabash Ave. I came to the corner of Wabash and Randolph, turning and walking briskly back to my condo. I decided to send her a text, maybe talk her into coffee or dinner.

Caleb: Hey! It's Caleb, did you want to grab a coffee or maybe dinner?

I erased what I wrote, huffing in frustration. Why was this so hard? I've never had problems talking to women before, why now?

Caleb: Hey! It's Caleb, just thought I'd send you my number.

I quickly hit send before I lost my nerve again, tucking my phone back in my jean pocket. I shook my head at myself, coming up to my condo. He walked through the lobby doors, smiling at the gentleman behind the security desk. I pressed the up button, waiting for it to come down. The elevator dinged open and I stepped in pressing my floor. I ran a hand through my damp hair, the Chicago sun kicked my ass today. The elevator opened again and I stepped out, walking over to my front door; typing the code in. When I walked in Luke was sitting on the couch, sipping a beer and Mitch was finishing wiping down the island top.

"Hey man!" Luke said, grinning widely.

"Man, we cleaned up around here for you. I gotta leave in a few, but thanks for letting us crash and shit." Mitch said, grabbing my hand and pulling me in for a bro hug.

"Of course, anytime. I'm going to take a nap. I'm beat and I still have to study for that damn test. Can you guys just lock up before you leave?" I ask, tossing my bag lightly on the couch. They both nodded, telling me they'd see me later. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see if she texted me back yet. Nothing. I plopped on my bed, stuffing a pillow under my head, letting sleep fill my mind.

When I woke up, the sun had set and the city lights cascaded into my room. Gage was laying at my feet, snoring louder than ever. I chuckle to myself, hopping off my bed. The guys had left already, I walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, scanning it for something to cook. It wasn't that it was empty, it was that I didn't feel like cooking. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, unlocking it. It was a little after seven, I could just get something delivered. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket, walking back over to the kitchen. I decided to just cook the chicken I had still in the fridge. I turned on Pandora jamming out some old-school hip-hop, grabbing a pan from the bottom cabinet.

After I ate and did the dishes, I pulled my laptop from my bag, getting a start on the much-needed study session. I opened my econ notes, scanning them for our chapter review questions. My phone dinged and vibrated. I fumbled to get it out, dropping it on the couch as it came out.

"For fucks." I say, digging around the bottom. I pull it out, looking at the screen.

Elizabeth: Gotcha ;)

Gotcha? Like was this girl trying to drive my curiosity insane?

Caleb: wyd, wanna come up?

I pressed send, instantly regretting it. How stupid can you be! My phone dinged again and I felt my stomach do a flip.

Elizabeth: #?

I jumped up, fist-pumping the air.

Caleb: 4546

Elizabeth: omw

I felt my stomach do another flip, tucking my laptop and book back into my bag. Thank god for Mitch cleaning today. I hustled to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and rinsing. I heard a knock at the door, my heart pumped a little faster. I ran to the door, slowing before I opened it to smooth out my shirt and hair. I opened the door and she stood there. Her hair flowing down her back, she was wearing a tight white tee and low-cut jeans. Her black painted toes showing in her white flip-flops. I moved aside, gesturing for her to come in. She walked past me, her floral scent captivating.

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