Chapter 3 - A Beautiful Wedding

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The wedding day came and Jemima and the other guests were waiting outside the church for everything to start. There was a gentle breeze about and there were birds chirping in the topmost branches of the trees. It was a beautiful spring day, perfect for a wedding. Jemima was wearing a halter neck deep blue dress. The skirt was mid-length and fluttered gently in the breeze. She had a headscarf to match that pushed back her golden brown, shoulder-length curls. She wasn't a hat person. She pushed up her jet-black, rectangular frame glasses further up her small, freckled nose as she saw a car pull up outside the churchyard gates. Everyone cheered as John got out and they were then let into the church to wait for the bride.

Inside, it was adorned with bouquets of flowers in delicate colours. The light streaming through the stained-glass windows made rippling patterns on the ground. Jemima found herself sitting next to a woman in a pretty yellow dress. She introduced herself as Molly Hooper and they chatted while they waited for Mary. It wasn't long before the organ music started and everyone flew round in their seats to catch a glimpse of the bride. Jemima was smiling as she saw John's face light up at the sight of her. The whole church radiated with happiness.

That was when she spotted him. A tall, dark-haired man standing with John. He was smiling at John, obviously happy for him, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes that revealed his true feelings. Something about those piercing eyes reminded her of something that she couldn't quite place. She recognised him, but couldn't think how. She supposed that she might get the chance to talk to him later and was turning her attention back to the ceremony when she realised with embarrassment that she had been staring unblinkingly at the man the whole time. Thankfully, he hadn't looked at her so she assumed that he hadn't noticed. But she was wrong. He had. He was smiling until John turned to him and whispered into his ear.

"She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He said, slightly breathless. Sherlock looked at the floor sadly and sighed. Today was the day that he was probably going to lose his best friend, and he really didn't want that to happen. Instead of thinking about John, and making himself sadder, he decided to think about the girl in the blue dress that had been staring at him. He knew that she thought he hadn't seen her, but he also knew that she was very wrong. He smiled to himself as he thought over the moment where, just for a second, he'd caught her looking. At least somebody found him interesting, he thought, soon, not even John would have time for him.

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