Chapter 17 - Another Wedding (No Murderers Allowed)

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Jemima was sitting on the edge of the bed in the quiet of the morning in her dressing gown and slippers, quietly contemplating her wedding dress with a nervous look plastered across her face. The grey shafts of moonlight from the night before had been replaced by bright beams of sun streaming in through the large, white-framed window. Jemima snapped out of her nervous, frozen state on the side of the bed and looked up quickly when there was a knock on the door. It was Molly and Mary, laden with bags or everything they would need to get ready. There was a proper hair and makeup professional arriving soon but they all had to get dressed into thier outfits first.

"Hey!" Mary gave a wide smile as she hopped through the door. Enveloping Jemima in a hug. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I suppose." Said Jemima, swallowing her nerves enough to smile a them both.

"Where to we get changed?" Said an excited Molly, who was also grinning from ear to ear.

"Just use the bathroom." Jemima gestured to the bathroom door.

Soon they were all dressed. Molly and Mary were wearing light blue dresses with slightly fluffy skirts and elegant long sleeves. They both looked wonderful. Jemima wore the traditional white. The dress reached all the way down to the floor and had a flowing skirt that puffed out a little around her legs. The dress itself had a strapless bodice with intricate detail on it in white but under that, she wore a mostly see-through, off the shoulder, lace top with long sleeves. The hair stylist did her golden brown curly hair half-up, half-down and fixed a tiara in place and attached it to a veil that reached to her upper back and fluttered around her shoulders. Both Mary and Molly were speechless.

A short while before the wedding was due to start, Jemima climbed into a light blue vintage car. It had white ribbons on the front and they fluttered in the gentle breeze. She sat between Molly and Mary in the back seat. Molly realised that Jemima was shaking next to her.

"You scared?" She asked quietly, putting a comforting hand on the bride's shoulder.

"Yeah. Just a bit." Jemima replied, almost whispering.

"You'll be fine. It's going to go brilliantly."

"I hope so Molly."

"You really love him. Don't you." Molly smiled. There was a dash of sadness in her face.

"Yes. I love him more than anything." Jemima confirmed.

"I can see it. When you talk to him. Whenever you're with him. I can see the love in your eyes, and in his too. You're perfect for each other. I'd never seen Sherlock that way about anyone before. He cares about you more than anything else."

"I think you're right. Thank you Molly. You always know how to make me feel better." Jemima smiled. She shuffled in her seat and gave Molly a big hug,

The car pulled up outside the small church. Jemima's old friend James was standing outside, she had chosen him to walk her down the aisle, he smiled at the car nervously. She got out if the car carefully, trying her hardest to be graceful and walked over to James. He linked arms with her and smiled .

"I'm so happy for you." He whispered in her ear as the music in the church began to play. There was a loud shuffle as everyone stood. Jemima's friend began to lead her up the aisle.

She saw Sherlock standing at the altar, a bundle of nerves. He was twiddling his thumbs compulsively until he turned around and saw his soon-to-be wife. He was transfixed with everything about her. He loved the way the dress fell around her small feet, the way the veil fluttered around her shoulders in the breeze from the open door, the way her hair bounced as she walked and her eyes. Oh her eyes. They were brighter than ever, shining at him like beacons as she grinned, swishing towards him. He grinned back. He could feel John smiling at him too.

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