Chapter 27 - The End

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Sherlock stared at his wife in disbelief. She was a liar. She'd been his first love and left him behind and come back to deceive him all over again. He watched as she bit her lip nervously, holding back anxious tears.

"Please say something, anything." She said desparately.

"You're a liar. You've been lying to me for months." He stated the obvious, anger starting to boil up inside him.

"I know. I'm sorry, I couldn't be more sorry. I thought it was for the best." She said pitifully, choking back tears.

"How is that for the best! How could you possibly believe that! I trusted you! You were the one I loved because I knew I could trust you! You disgust me." He spat out the venomous words as the bubbling anger made its way into his throat.

"I didn't want to be Bea anymore. I had good reason for leaving you then, I had no choice, but I always regretted it. I changed my identity because I needed to hide. I never regretted anything more." She said, now openly crying. Sherlock frowned at her tears with disgust.

"I don't believe you. This is like Mary and John all over again."

"John forgave Mary. Please, forgive me. Please." She made a move towards Sherlock to take his hand as she begged but he finched away with a look of contempt.

"I don't think I can forgive you. I certainly can't trust you ever again." He told her.

"Please Sherlock. I can explain." She begged.

"I don't care about you idiotic explanations anymore. We're done." He said, matter-of-factly.

"But Sherlock you can't..."

"Yes I can." He interrupted. "Get out. Pack your things and get out of my sight."

"Sherlock!" She cried,tears spilling over her already red cheeks.

"No. Get out. There's no point trying to bargain with me." He said. He left the room and Jemima stood there alone, in total shock. He was soon back with some suitcases of Jemima's that she had used to move in. He threw them down in front of her casually and left to sit in his armchair, fingers tented under his chin, maintaining a neutral expression as if he hadn't just ordered his wife to leave and not come back. He watched her steadily as she walked around the flat, gathering up all of her possessions and bundling them into suitcases. When she finally finished, she took a quick look around the flat from the doorway as if to say goodbye before shooting a bitter look at her husband.

It turned out that Mrs Hudson had been listening at the bottom of the stairs with a worried face and she quickly enveloped Jemima in a hug as soon as she could. Jemima smiled at her weakly.

"Goodbye Mrs Hudson." She said simply,turned away and focused her attention towards the cold rainy night outside, already feeling the raindrops straining to get through the doorway and chill her to the bone. Jemima Jones walked out into the night and closed the door of 221b Baker Street firmly behind her for the last time.

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