Chapter 24 - The British Government

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Jemima attempted to walk purposefully into the Diogenes Club. She was still in pain and stumbled a few times, much to the horror of the old men sitting around reading their morning papers. Jemima ignored them and went right into the strangers' room.

Mycroft stood in the centre of the room behind a large mahogany desk. He eyed her curiously as she made her way over.

"Was is it that you want me to tell you?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"I wanted to ask you about Sherlock. Something that happened to him when he was younger."

"Why would you be interested?"

"He still seems hung up about it." Jemima stared at her feet awkwardly.

"Oh good lord it's not about her is it? You're jealous of a girl that left Sherlock when he was a teenager!" Mycroft scoffed.

"Not jealous. Curious. I wanted to know what happened, so I can understand it. Sherlock won't talk, so I came to you. You were the obvious choice." She explained. The standing up started to get a bit much for her so she sat down in the large armchair on one side of the desk, wincing.

"Still painful is it?" Mycroft said.

"A little."

"Anyway." He continued. "Beatrice was the only girl Sherlock ever loved before you. He admitted that she understood him better than anyone and when he was around her he generally behaved like a disgustingly lovesick puppy. It was almost painful to watch. She left without an explanation or a goodbye and he sulked for weeks."


"Wouldn't sleep hardly at all. Didn't want to eat. Cried all day. It was pathetic."

"I thought you would have been worried for him." She frowned.

"No. Just irritated. I did warn him not to get involved."

"You're a rubbish big brother." Jemima observed, trying to make a joke even though she seemed quite distressed.

"Believe me, I am all too aware of that fact." He said. He picked up a few pieces of paperwork from the desk and glanced over them. "Anyway, don't you have to get back to him? I have better things to be doing."

"Fine." She huffed, wincing as she got out of the chair.

"Goodbye." Mycroft dismissed her without even looking up.

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