Chapped 25 - Information From A Criminal

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Sherlock woke up with a start. He still had his arms around Jemima, as he always did. She didn't stir as he turned to look out of the window to determine the time. The curtains were pulled back and stars were still shining brightly, like diamonds on a black velevt dress. He'd been dreaming, about Bea. Jemima focing him to remember had dragged up more memories for him than he really wanted to think about, they'd been pushed down for a reason. Stuck in the back of his mind for years, in a dusty cabinet labeled 'Do Not Open'. Sherlock didn't want to remember the girl that hurt him, but he couldn't help it. Another memory of her came back to him as he stared up at the night sky. He remembered lying next to her on a hill after they'd snuck out of Sherlock's house together through the window. She was telling him all about the different constellations that hung above them like a mobile over a baby's cot. That's why he'd wanted to push out any knowledge of the solar system from his mind. It would always make him think of her. He remembered her smell, always like oranges. He knew she'd always loved that smell. He would always remember her soft, gentle fingers sliding between his as they lay side by side.

Then Sherlock slapped himself back into reality and reminded himself that she was gone. He had an even better woman enveloped in his arms, one who would always love him, not one who would leave him. One who smelt like roses, not oranges. He turned away from the starry skies outside his window and shut the world away.


Jemima was sitting at the desk on her laptop when she felt a stare burning through her. She took her hands off the keyboard and swivelled round in her seat. Sherlock was staring intently at her and she frowned back.

"If you need to use the desk then I can move." She told him.

"No it's fine. I was just thinking." Sherlock replied.

"Alright then. Go back to your mind palace." She said, smiling. "I'll still be here in the real world if you need anything."

Sherlock tented his long, slender fingers and placed them under his chin as he always did when he was deep in thought. Suddenly, his phone went off and he sighed loudly. He didn't like being interrupted, but this particular text wasn't usual.

She's hiding something, can't you see it? - JM

Sherlock didn't even bother reading the number it had been sent from. Moriarty was too clever for him to track it, and anyway, it changed every time. Instead he decided to reply.

I take it you mean my wife. Why would you warn me? - SH

The reply back was swift, Jim had obviously been poised over the keyboard, hinting to Sherlock that he's excited, that it all must be part of his game. Sherlock decided to play along. For now.

Let's have a get-together. Just you and me. Where do you suggest? - JM

The pool? - SH

Nice touch. Be there. - JM

Jemima looked up again as her husband quickly jumped out of his chair.

"I'm going out." He announced suddenly. He only looked at Jemima for a second but she saw something in his eyes that hadn't been there before. Confusion and a slight sense of betrayal flicked in his bright eyes. He usually kissed her goodbye with a warm smile whenever he went out, but this time he didn't.

"Goodbye." She said to his retreating back as he rushed out and slammed the door behind him without another word.

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