Chapter 15 - Never Have I Ever...

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"Never have I out of a restaurant without paying." A drunk Jemima slurred. She was on her hen night, with Mary, Molly and Jeanine. They were playing a game that had a lot to do with the tray full of shot glasses sat in front of them on the bar. After hearing her statement, Mary picked up a shot glass and downed it. Jemima widened her eyes at her.

"Sherlock came back from the dead and John punched him in the face. Paying wasn't at the top of my to-do list." She grinned.

"Molly, your turn." Jemima said, loosely gesturing to her with an empty shot glass.

"Never have I ever, ummmm...ummm... Gone skinny dipping." She said, finally thinking of a question. Both Jemima and Jeanine downed shots.

"Really Jemima?" Jeanine raised an eyebrow.

"When you're with a bunch of army blokes and you're off duty, and they dare you to do something, you don't say no. You'd never live it down." She replied.

"Fair enough." Jeanine said. "Never have I ever, mooned someone."

Jemima giggled and downed a shot, Molly picked one up too, clearly embarrassed.

"It was one time." Molly protested.

"We're not judging you love." Jeanine laughed.

"Never have I ever, kissed Sherlock Holmes." Mary said with a smirk.

"Are you on mission to get me totally sloshed?" Jemima said, taking a shot in each hand."I have to have two, because it happens so much." she giggled. Jeanine took one and so did Molly.

"Molly?" Mary looked surprised.

"I tried to kiss him on the cheek and he moved his head, it was really embarrassing." She confessed.

At that moment, Jemima's phone began to ring.

"Hello?...Iloveyouiloveyoyireallyreallyloveyou." A totally hammered Sherlock said on the other end of the line.

"Who are you and what have you done with my fiancée." An equally pissed Jemima joked.

"I mean it Jemima." Sherlock slurred. Jemima could hear loud singing in the background of the call.

"Who's singing? Is that...Lestrade and...Mycroft?"

"Yep. I think John is filming them on his phone. We played spin the bottle earlier and they had to snog each other. They seemed to enjoy it a bit..."

"Wow...okay...who else was playing?"

"Umm, all of us and...some others."

"Random bar girls?"

"It was Lestrade's idea. And...actually... I feel...a bit...dizzy."


"I don't... I mean...ugh." Jemima heard a crash from the other end of the line and then a lot of cheering before the phone hung up. It seemed like Sherlock was totally incapacitated.

"The other lot are all pissed, Mycroft and Lestrade are having a jolly sing along and Sherlock just passed out on the table." Jemima relayed the information.

"Brilliant." Mary grinned. Luckily, it wasn't the night before the wedding, it was another whole day before the couple would be married, just to make sure everyone wasn't hungover at the ceremony.

"I need to get to my hotel." Jeanine said, checking her watch.

"I think we all need to get back actually. Jemima's certainly had enough." Mary said. It was true, the rest of the group were mildly giggly, Jemima was almost passed out.

"Nah, I reckon I could have a few more." Jemima protested.

"Wanna bet? Can you even stand up?" Mary laughed.

"Course I can!" Jemima pushed her chair back and stood herself up, wobbling and leaning heavily on the table. "Ta-da!"

"Stand up on your own, take your hand off the table." Mary said. Jemima did and gave Mary a triumphant look before plummeting face-first to the floor, failing wildly.

"Told you." Mary sat there with a smug grin on her face, her arms folded. She and the rest of the table then erupted into giggles.

"I'm okay!" Jemima's slightly muffled voice came from her face down position on the grubby pub carpet. The group laughed at her again.

"Come on you. Up you get." A slightly wobbly Mary picked up Jemima from the floor and let her lean against her. Molly leant against Mary's other shoulder in an effort to keep herself standing. Jeanine almost went flying on the step outside the pub.

"Bye all!" She laughed and waved clumsily at the group before hailing a cab and almost diving inside.

"It's been really nice, we should do this again sometime." A slightly clumsy Molly detached herself from Mary and hailed herself another cab. Mary stopped another two cabs quite quickly and lay Jemima down in the back seat of one. She told the cab driver the address of the hotel that Jemima had booked for the two nights left before the wedding.

"You be careful okay?" She told Jemima, shaking her head and laughing. "Bye!"

Jemima responded with a meek wave and promptly passed out on the back seat. She was going to be rough tomorrow.

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