Chapter 22 - Waking Up For Sherlock

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Jemima jolted awake, a shooting pain running up her side from the bullet would due to the sudden movement. The room was dark and she couldn't see properly. Moriarty's face swam behind her eyelids, lingering there after her nightmare. However many times she blinked, she couldn't push the thought of him from her mind. She couldn't stop seeing his face. Anxiety bubbled up inside her and the heart monitor started bleeping frantically as she got more and more panicky and terrified. She began breathing heavily, trying to control herself but she couldn't help it and burst into terrified tears. Sherlock heard it and woke up with a jolt. He quickly sat up and examined the whole room for immediate danger before wrapping his arms around his broken wife.

"Jemima, look at me." He said. Jemima shuffled round to look at him. She was choking on her sobs now, giving small hiccoughs as she tried to calm down.

"What's the matter Jemima?" He asked urgently, taking her by the shoulders and looking into her watery eyes. He put his slender hands on his wife's trembling ones to still them.

"I had a nightmare. About him. About Moriarty." She replied shakily.

"Ssh, come here, calm down. It wasn't real. Just calm down. He's not here, you're safe with me." Sherlock comforted, wrapping her into a tight hug. It hurt Jemima a little but she didn't mind. Sherlock's arms were comforting and she felt warm and safe. Little by little, her heart rate slowed and she stopped being so terrified. Sherlock pulled away slightly to look at her. She was pale and drained with her unkempt curly, golden-brown hair spilling out over the pillows. She had a split lip, a smattering of green and purple mottled bruising blossoming on one cheek. On the other there was a large, neat cut that had been recently washed out. There was another on her forehead where the blood had drained into her eyes so she couldn't see. He eyes themselves had lost some of their usual brightness. Sherlock held her close again.

"I promised that I'd keep you safe. That you wouldn't get hurt. But you did, and it was my fault. I'm sorry." Sherlock told her.

"It's not your fault. I know that for sure. You haven't failed me. I love you. My Sherlock Holmes. I made sure I woke up for you." She whispered into the pillow as they laid side by side.

She turned over to go to sleep and Sherlock quickly wrapped his arms around her. She fell asleep all over again, listening to his steady breathing. His black curls brushed the side of her face as her eyes gently closed.

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