Chapter 9 - Texting And Unicorns

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"Just to let you know, I'm off out now, so if you shout to me asking for a pen or something, I won't answer. Bye!" Jemima said quickly, popping her head around the door of 221B. Sherlock noted how pretty she looked, all dressed up in a blue spotty dress. The dark blue spots complemented the light blue background. The shape of the dress only enhanced Jemima's already tiny waist and the hem of the fluffy skirt fell to just above her knee, showing off most of her short but slender legs. Her brown curls looked gorgeous, the two front sections of hair had been braided and pinned at the back of her head with a blue bow. Her tiny feet were drifted into uncomfortable-looking blue high heels. Everything was blue. It all matched, even Jemima's expression. She was on her way to Scotland Yard's new years party. It was everything she despised, awkward social encounters, dancing and badly-chosen music. Even Anderson would be there. He'd managed to get his job back by some sort of miracle and was now working in his previous position in the forensics division. She also had to put up with Sally Donovan, who seemed to hate her guts for some unknown reason. Maybe it was because she was friends with Sherlock. More likely because of an hilarious incident a couple of weeks back where Jemima ended up making Sally look like a twat in front of all her colleagues. She'd only done it because she called Sherlock a freak. She remembered him smiling fondly at her as she gave Sally what she deserved. He'd seemed surprised that she'd done it, Jemima wondered if anyone else ever stood up for Sherlock like that. John might, but he tends to keep quiet, assuming that Sherlock can deal with it himself.

Sherlock didn't even look up as Jemima disappeared from around the doorframe but he couldn't help but smirk slightly to himself. He'd politely declined his invitation, he had to work with those morons all day, he didn't want to spend his evening with them too.

Jemima walked into the party, said hi to Lestrade, got herself a drink and put herself in her usual post against the wall next to the food buffet, trying her best to look unapproachable. She watched everyone else having a good time. At one point she saw Sally with a bunch of her bitchy coworkers, she would look at Jemima, say something in hushed tones to her friends, then the whole group would look at Jemima and then they'd all laugh or nod in agreement. It reminded her of primary school. After 20 minutes of total boredom, she got out her phone to text Sherlock.

It feels like I'm looking at the exhibits in a zoo. - JJ

Within seconds, Sherlock had replied.

Having a good time I see. - SH

That text was practically dripping with sarcasm. I can hear your laughter from here. - JJ

John says hi by the way. - SH


He had a miraculous recovery. - SH

Arse. - JJ

I told you to decline the invite. It's your own fault. - SH

Thanks for reminding me. I didn't want to offend Lestrade. - JJ

You're too polite for your own good. - SH

Oh bugger, here come the fuzz. There's an Anderson at 12 O'Clock. - JJ

Enjoy. - SH

I hate you. - JJ

No you don't. - SH

Jemima sighed and picked up her drink again. She couldn't possibly stand this any more. Her phone buzzed again.

You took too long to reply. That means I'm right. - SH

Is it possible to die of boredom? - JJ

No. - SH

Oh shit, that was my only way out. Now my only hope is a knight in shining armour to come and rescue me on a unicorn. - JJ

Sherlock didn't reply. Great, now she had no distraction from boredom at all. She shuffled over to the buffet and grabbed a plate of mostly unhealthy food. Food would be her only friend from here on in. That is, until Sherlock quietly hopped in through the fire exit next to her and pulled her outside.

"What are you doing?" She said in hushed tones, wobbling slightly in her high heels.

"I'm your knight, I've come to save you. Sorry about the unicorn, it was eaten by an angry ogre, we'll just have to get a cab." Sherlock replied, smirking.

"You didn't have to come to this horrendous pace of social torture on my behalf." Jemima said.

"Of course I did. And umm... I didn't get the chance to tell you... You look lovely tonight." He replied. Jemima was vaguely aware that Sherlock still hadn't let go of her hand since he pulled her out.

"Really?" She said, looking up into Sherlock's mesmerising eyes. She could get lost in them, they were like whirlpools, like an exotic sea, a perfect mix of blue and green. Just his presence, him standing in front of her, his fingers entwined with hers,was intoxicating.

"Definitely." He said, and leaned in to kiss her for the second time ever. This kiss was more passionate than the last. Jemima ran her hands through Sherlock's soft, black, glossy curls. He dropped her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. When he finally pulled away, Jemima let her arms flop around his neck and smiled up at him.

"That was the first kiss since Christmas." Jemima said.

"I wanted to, I just never found the right time." He replied.

"I don't care what time. We should do it more often." Jemima smirked.

"Does this mean we need to tell John, you know, if we're going to be a thing."

"Probably. Let's get a cab."


Sherlock sat slightly apart from her in the cab. He was nervously twiddling his thumbs, unsure of what to do.

"I don't bite you know." She told him quietly. She saw his smile out of the corner of her eye.

Before she knew it, her hand was in Sherlock's and he interlocked his fingers with hers. When she looked up, he was staring out of the window, not daring to look round. His delicate fingers were slightly shaky, showing his nerves. She gave his hand a slight squeeze for reassurance and she saw his smile in the reflection on the window.

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