Chapter 13 - An Unexpected Idea

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Sherlock was pacing nervously as John walked into Baker Street. His long legs swiftly covered the distance between the sofa and the fireplace before turning and going back again. His fingers were tented under his chin and his eyes were squeezed shut in concentration.

"Are you alright Sherlock?" He asked, frowning slightly with confusion as he watched his friend pace up and down the flat.

"Fine." He replied, continuing to pace.

"Where's Jemima?" John asked.

"In the bathroom." Sherlock sank into his chair and his fingers began to tap out a frenzied, erratic rhythm on the armrest.

At that point, Jemima rushed from the bathroom.

"Oh, hi John! I was just going out." She said cheerfully as she shrugged on her coat. She quickly wrapped a scarf around her neck. She grabbed her bag and ran over to Sherlock.

"Bye." He said, with a soft smile only Jemima could coax out of him.

"Goodbye. See you later." She replied, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Sorry to rush off like this." She said to John. "I'm just going to collect details for a case from Lestrade. Sherlock can't be bothered to go."

"Definitely less than a seven." He replied, seemingly uninterested.

"Okay then, see you later." John said, receiving a friendly hug from Jemima before she ran out the door.

There was a short pause before Sherlock hopped up from his chair and started pacing again. Suddenly he stopped and turned to look at John. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find the right words.
He took a deep breath before he finally spoke.

"I want to prepose to Jemima."

John's mouth hung open and he stared at Sherlock in shock. He stood three for a while before he could finally get himself together enough to speak.

"Well." He said "That was, unexpected."

"Is it a good idea?" Sherlock asked nervously, his eyes wide. He was still desperate for his friend's approval.

"Yes! Yes of course it is! If that's what you want then you should definitely do it." John said quickly, he still seemed to be in shock. His brain was having trouble coping.

Sherlock suddenly walked swiftly towards John, his eyes wild and glinting like a madman's.

"How does she do it John?" He asked.

"Do what?' John asked. His friend's intense stare was almost becoming too much.

"Jemima makes me want to do things I would never have dreamed of doing in a million years!" He exclaimed, breaking the stare and beginning to flounce around the room. "She makes me so unlike my normal self it should scare me but somehow she makes it just feel right."

He paused before turning to look back at his friend. "Is it love John? Am I in love?"

" I don't know. Maybe. " John replied unhelpfully. For once, he really wasn't sure how to advise him. He never believed that Sherlock could feel things that way and to learn that he actually wanted to propose was a shock.

"I need to get a ring." Sherlock said, pulling on his coat and scarf and sweeping down the stairs.

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