Chapter 4 - Jones, Meet Holmes

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Jemima hated dancing, she always had, but that was only due to the fact that she had two left feet and didn't have the patience to concentrate on it so as to improve her skills. When she tried to copy the moves of other people, she just ended up looking like a prat, or ended up flat on her face on the floor, or both, as had happened on some occasions. She decided to sneak out of the wedding early to avoid being sucked onto the dancefloor and forced to endanger not only herself, but everyone around her. Social situations always made her uncomfortable, she always ended up in the corner, not wanting to speak to anybody and feeling very out of place.

It was a warm spring night, and she could still hear a few crickets humming in the flowers. She was sitting with her back against a tree just outside the party, deciding whether to go back inside or just leave. She didn't want John to notice, she didn't want to upset him. Sherlock walked past and saw her sitting there. He was about to continue walking without a second glance but then he realised that it was the girl he had caught staring at him earlier. Curiosity got the better of him and he walked over to her, shrugging on his coat.

"Hello." He said. "Did you leave early too?"

"Yes, I left while everyone was dancing, I can't dance without falling over. I hate it." Jemima replied. "Why did you leave? You're the best man."

"Nobody needed me." he said sadly, sliding down onto the floor beside Jemima.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"Sherlock Holmes." he replied.

Jemima gasped slightly. "But... you.... Am I seeing ghosts now?"

"No ghosts. I faked it all." Sherlock told her. "Who are you then? You were at the top of the room. You must be important."

"I'm Jemima Jones." she replied.

"What's your full name?"

"Jemima Beatrice Felicity Jones."

"That's a mouthful." He smirked.

"What's yours then?"

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes."

"That's worse." she said. They both laughed. Suddenly Sherlock looked quite sad. "What's the matter with you?" Jemima asked him.

"Umm... It's just... John is the only person I tend to laugh with. I'm worried he won't want me around anymore."

"I'm sure he will." She replied. He studied her carefully, picking out every piece of information he could.
Military, Shortsighted, Keen Reader, Intelligent, Introvert, Undiagnosed PTSD

"How would you know that?" He asked her.

"I worked with him in the army. He was there when a bomb nearly blew off my legs and he saved my life."

"He's saved a lot of people."

"I know."

Sherlock sighed and stood up. "See you around, Jemima Jones."

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