Chapter 14 - A Wild Sherlock Chase

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Jemima arrived back at Baker Street and found a note hanging on the door knocker. It read: 'I have something important to tell you, go to your favorite cafe and order your favorite drink. Tell them it's courtesy of Sherlock Holmes. - SH'

Jemima grabbed the note and jumped in a cab. She arrived at her favorite coffee place and told them her order was already paid for by Sherlock. The drink came with another note strapped to the top. This one said: Good. You found it. Although, to be honest, it was extremely easy. Now go to the cafe run by someone who owes me a favour. - SH'

Jemima began to wonder what all this was all about. Was Sherlock in trouble? Or was he just taking her on a tour of every cafe in London just to irritate her. She wouldn't put it past him. She got to Angelo's in no time, but her cab bill was going to rack up if this continued for much longer, she thought as she handed the money over. Angelo saw her come in. She was looking everywhere and seemed confused.

"Ahh Jemima." Sherlock was here earlier, you missed him." Angelo said.

"Don't worry. It's not him I'm looking for." She replied, spotting a note on the window seat they always used.

'Number one bolt hole - SH'

Jemima sighed again and went back outside to find her cabbie, if he hadn't already left. Thankfully, he hadn't and she hopped back in, instructing the driver to take her to Leinster Gardens.

She pushed open the creaky door into the small, dirty and slightly damp corridor. She heard a scuttle behind her. She should get some mouse traps for this place. Dust that seemed to be from the plaster on the ceiling covered the depressing concrete floor and old wallpaper was peeling in strips from the walls bruised with damp patches. It had been a long time since anybody had properly cared about this tiny place. Jemima was starting to get irritated with the repetitiveness of it all and just wanted Sherlock to tell her where he was already. He granted her wish, sort of. The last note was pinned to the wall.

'You know where to find me - SH'

She had to think about that one for a while, then remembered that the taxi driver was still waiting outside. At least she had a few places to try. The first was her strongest hunch.

She twiddled her thumbs nervously as the taxi pulled up outside the park near Baker Street where Sherlock had his little hiding place. She paid the driver for the last time and jogged through the park, looking for signs of Sherlock's presence. Sure enough, she found a clearly placed trail of autumn leaves in a wide array of colours leading right to the clearing in the bushes. She peeked round the leaves at the somewhat hidden entrance and saw Sherlock standing there, his head just brushing the leaf canopy above him. His face lit up when he saw her but he still seemed nervous.

"Hello Jemima." he smiled at her, his voice shaky.

"Hi Sherlock, I found your notes. Are you okay? Is somebody following you? What's wrong?" She said, suddenly worried for his safety.

"I'm alright. Nothing's wrong, don't worry." He reassured her. "Come here."

Jemima shuffled forward, now properly confused and Sherlock gently took one of her hands in his.

"I don't know how you manage to control me the way you do, I don't think I'll ever understand, but I've realised recently that I've never loved anyone like I do you." He paused as if trying to find the right words. "I really you Jemima; More than anyone else on this earth. I've realised that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said it gently, stroking her hand with his fingers as he said it.

Suddenly, he dropped to one knee and pulled a blue velvet ring box from his pocket and opened it. "Jemima. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Jemima's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the beautiful engagement ring in the box. It was the last thing she had expected. Without warning, she started to cry.

"What is it? What did I do wrong?" Sherlock asked frantically.

"You did it perfectly Sherlock." Jemima whispered, her voice overflowing with emotion. "Of course I'll marry you!" She wrapped herself in his arms, still crying with happiness, and hugged Sherlock tightly. After a minute, when Jemima had pulled herself together, Sherlock slipped the ring onto her finger.

"You're going to be Mrs Holmes." Sherlock said and kissed her gently.

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