Chapter 11 - The Reveal

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"So. How are we going to do it?" Jemima asked. She was lying on her back on the sofa in 221B with her legs dangling over the armrest.

"Hmm?" Sherlock looked up, snapping out of his mind palace. "Do what?"

"Tell John about... Well... Us." She replied.

"Have you got any ideas?" He asked.

"You're meant to be the clever one." She retorted.

"I am the clever one. Just not when it comes to people."

"I thought maybe you could do it. It would seem more real coming from you." She said.

"Fine. But how?"

"Snog me in front of him. I dare you."

"How much will you give me if I do it."

"Maybe... If you're lucky... Another kiss." She said, raising an eyebrow seductively at him. He sighed at her.

"Okay, a tenner." She offered.



It was at that moment that John walked in. Perfect timing.

"Hi!" Jemima said chirpily, waving from her position upsidedown on the sofa. John have her a strange look and rolled his eyes but said nothing. He was used to it by now, she seemed to share Sherlock's blatant disregard for furniture.

"Hello John." Sherlock said. He looked a little tense.

"You ok Sherlock?" John asked with a concerned expression as he sat down in his armchair.

"Fine. I'm totally fine."

"Good. Have there been any new cases?"

"None. Still working on the one with that Albanian pilot. I think it might have been his sister. I need proof though, I need to be sure."

"Ok. I'll tell Lestrade when you've got all the evidence. Have you and Jemima been doing anything interesting?" John inquired.

"Not much."

"A few things..." Jemima interrupted, smirking at Sherlock.

"Ah yes... Those things." He grinned at Jemima, hopped out of his chair, walked over to her and kissed her right in front of John. When they broke apart, he was sat with an expression of pure surprise. His mouth was handing wide open. Sherlock and Jemima began to giggle nervously.

"So you're ummm...ok... Good." He said, struggling to find words.

"You look like you could do with a cup of tea." Jemima smiled at him.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." John said, staring at her wide-eyed.

Jemima giggled to herself as she walked out. John shuffled over to Sherlock, looking uncomfortable.

"Ummm... Sherlock?" John said.


"I just wanted to ask, this isn't like Jeanine is it? It's just, she's a good friend of mine. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt her, or use her at all. Especially not my best friend. Are you totally sure about this?"

"John. I won't hurt her. I really do... like her. I haven't felt this way about anybody before. It's different this time."

"What about Irene Adler?"

"I didn't like her as much as Jemima. She intrigued me but I never wanted to be in a relationship with her."

"So. You're totally serious about her." John said, mostly to help himself understand it all.

"Yes." Sherlock replied.

"Sure?" John asked.

"Sure." Sherlock confirmed.

Just as Jemima bustled in with some tea, John's phone went off.

"It's Mary." He mouthed at them. "Yeah sure, I'll be right over." He said reluctantly and hung up.

"What did she want?" Jemima asked.

"The washing machine's gone bust. She says she needs my help with it. Sorry, I have to go." He quickly ran out, grabbing his coat on the way.

"So that went well." Jemima smiled.

"Fifteen, wasn't it?"

"Fine." She pressed some notes into his hand.

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