Chapter 16 - Wish You Were Here

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Jemima trudged through the dim hotel room, the only light was coming from the open window as shafts ofof grey moonlight poured inside. She scratched her head and yawned sleepily, shuffling to her large bed in her worn slippers, wearing a blue nightshirt that was slightly too big for her. It was the night before the wedding and as she slipped under the comfy white duvet, she caught sight of her wedding dress hanging on the back of her door, sealed in a bag to protect it before the big day. Nerves stabbed at her insides like pinpricks, her stomach churned and she bit her lip. Jemima missed the feeling of Sherlock laying beside her in the bed. It hadn't really mattered last night because shed been so drunk but tonight she really craved the feeling of his arms around her. He was the only thing that could calm her when she had nerves like this. She missed his warmth, his smell and the way his dark curls brushed the back of her neck as she slept. She reminded herself that she would have it all back the next day and really looked forward to it.

Just as her eyelids grew heavy and she started to drift off, her phone buzzed loudly on the bedside table, making the whole thing vibrate. It rang through the quiet night air and broke the sleepy silence of the small room. Jemima scooped it up in one clumsy hand and looked at her texts, picking the sleep from the corners of her eyes and squinting. The bright screen lit up in her face and stung her eyes as she attempted to read who the text was from. She looked away, blinked a few times, and looked back again. It was one new message from Sherlock.

'Goodnight Miss Jones -SH'

Jemima smiled sleepily and replied,

'Goodnight Mr Holmes -JJ'

She turned the phone screen off, sighed happily at both the text and the sudden darkness, and crawled back under the fluffy bedcovers.

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