Chapter 5 - Moving Day

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Jemima staggered sleepily downstairs in her slippers as she heard the familiar clank of a letter being pushed through the letterbox. She recognised the handwriting of her landlord on the front of the envelope and scooped it up curiously. Whatever it was, it probably wouldn't be good news. She tore it open and pulled out the letter. It notified her that due to unforeseen circumstances, her rent was going to rise; to a price she couldn't afford. She was going to have to find somewhere else to go. Fortunately, she knew just the person to talk to.

Later that day, Jemima picked up the phone and dialed the number of 221B Baker Street.

"Hello?" Came Mrs Hudson's voice from the other end of the line.

"Hi Mrs Hudson, it's Jemima, from the wedding. You mentioned having a vacancy at 221C Baker Street and I'm soon going to be left without a place. I was wondering if I could come and have a look a the flat?"

"Oh I'm sure that would be fine my love! I can't get anyone interested in it so you won't have much competition! I'll make a special effort to make it nice for you. When do you want to see it?"

"As soon as I can."

"I'm almost always in, pop round whenever you like my love." She told Jemima cheerfully.

"Brilliant, thank you!"


Jemima moved into 221C soon after that. It was dingy and dark, and smelled faintly of damp, but Mrs Hudson really had spruced it up for her. There was fresh paint on the walls and the previously grubby floorboards had been scrubbed to within an inch of their life. The flat was affordable, and it suited her fine, so she decided to take it.

She trudged in with the last of her suitcases and began the mammoth task of unpacking. She was busy filling up her wardrobe when she heard somebody running down the stairs.

"Off out Mrs Hudson, don't know when I'll be back." said a deep voice that she faintly recognised. Sherlock had never told Jemima that he lived in 221B at their first meeting, so she was surprised to hear that her brand new neighbour had been the best man at her friend's wedding. She peeped round the door and nearly crashed into him.

"Hello." She mumbled.

"You didn't tell me I was getting a new neighbour." Sherlock said to Mrs Hudson.

"Jemima?" John stared at his friend from across the hall.

"Oh, hello John." She replied, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"My rent went up and I couldn't afford it, I was talking to Mrs Hudson at the wedding and she told me how difficult it was to find someone to stay in 221C so I said I'd take it." Jemima explained briefly.

"Well, it's a bit of a surprise to see you here, I have to admit, but at least we can see more of you now." He joked. "Anyway, we'd better go, Lestrade's still waiting for us. I hope you like the flat!" John walked off, assuming Sherlock would follow. Mrs Hudson retreated into her kitchen.

"Hello again Miss Jones." Sherlock smirked at Jemima. She smiled back knowingly as Sherlock quickly followed John outside and shut the door behind him. Jemima smiled to herself and went back inside to carry on unpacking her belongings.

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