이십 - 20

286 11 3

Please be careful with the end of this, it may be very triggering for anyone dealing with a mental illness. If you need help, you can always to talk to me and I can either direct you to someone that may be able to help or I can talk to you myself, but I am not a trained professional.

Trigger warning(s):
   -Slight panic attack
   -Throwing up




I love waking up like this. In Yoongi's arms, engulfed in his body heat. His peaceful sleeping face right in front of my eyes. He is so pretty. His eyelashes kissing his soft full cheeks, pale skin almost glowing in the soft light emitted from the sun outside. His blonde hair gently fell over his eyes. I gently reached and brushed the hair out of his face, caressing his cheeks seeing as he slowly opened his eyes, looking confused in his post sleep daze.

"Morning." I gently whispered, keeping my gaze on his face.

He grumbled in response, closing his eyes once again pulling me closer, tucking his head on top of mine. I smiled gently, enjoying the warmth and tranquillity this moment brought. I didn't want to break this moment, but I really wanted to start breakfast for the both of us and Hoseok if he was in the dorms. When I knew Yoongi was fully asleep again, I gently slipped out from his grip not wanting to disturb him.

I put on a pair of shorts, then ventured out into the kitchen. Not being fully awake, I went to the kettle to make myself a cup of coffee. Whilst I waited for the kettle to boil, Hoseoks' door opened revealing a barely awake Hoseok.

"Morning." I called out, not to loud knowing that Yoongi was still asleep in my bedroom.

"Good morning." He replied, fetching a mug from the cupboard before putting it with Yoongi and my cups I have for our coffee.

He smiled sheepishly silently asking if I could make him one too. I shook my head with a soft smile adorning my face. He sat down at the table, placing his chin on the palm of his hand looking at me with a mischievous look on his face.

"What?" I asked, not liking the way he was looking at me.

"You and Yoongi sleeping together. Did you do anything else?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I blushed furiously at even the thought of it. Shaking my head at him, not wanting him to get the wrong idea even though he properly wouldn't believe me anyway.

The kettle finally finished boiling, letting me make the three coffees. I place Yoongis' in our microwave to keep it hot whilst he sleeps. I turned towards Hoseok asking if he wanted breakfast, after receiving a nod I grabbed flour, eggs and milk deciding to make us some English pancakes.

Just as I was almost finished with breakfast, my door was opened revealing a shirtless tired Yoongi. Hoseok laughed as soon as he saw that Yoongi was shirtless, now fully convinced we had done something. Startled by the sudden laugh, Yoongi looked towards the sound finally realised that Hoseok was there. He just blinked at him for a few seconds before he walked over to me. I smiled at his and reached for his coffee, giving it to him then letting him go sit at the table with Hoseok. No one spoke as I finished up the pancakes, setting the stack on the middle of the table and retrieving three plate, cutlery, and different topping. We didn't find it necessary to talk, just enjoying the silence.

Once we had finished our breakfast, I washed up the dishes before Yoongi and I went back to my bedroom. I made Yoongi sit down on my bed getting ready to tell Yoongi everything. I hadn't imagen I ever needing to tell this to him. At least not so early into our relationship. We didn't have anything go on as it was a Saturday. I looked down at my hands contemplating how I was going to tell him everything, not wanting to word it badly and have it blow up in my face. The more I thought about it, the tighter my chest got.

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