23 - 이십삼

253 10 1

~Time skip: Monday~

The weekend was relaxing, having completed all my homework quickly, allowing me time to just exist and relax. Sadly, Yoongi had to leave on Saturday to do his white witch duties, so I and the rest of the boys hung out, going to the movies. I also checked up with Han to see what he was doing, we ended up playing some games on my PlayStation on Sunday, just relaxing as he had no duties that day having collected all the souls he needed for his monthly quota already.

I was now getting ready to go back to school, at the counter with Hoseok eating the breakfast I had made. Hoseok offered to help but I refused, finding that cooking helps me relax. We were both in silence, listening to the soft music I had playing in the background as I made one of the plants placed around the sink do the dishes. I finished my plate of food, placing it next to the sink in reach for Fredrick, the plant, to do when he's finished with the others.

I stepped into my room, going straight to my wardrobe and finding an outfit to wear. I ended up choosing a pair of black skinny jeans, an oversized jumper with embroidered flowers on both sleeves, and a pair of my platformed black ankle shoes. I quickly got changed into the outfit before packing my bag with all the essentials, making sure to put back the dark magic books I was studying from last night, watering the plants which were scattered around my room and making my bed before heading out to the living room area to wait for Hoseok before we left for our first lesson.

Whilst walking to class through the busy hallways, I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me. I tried to shake it off, not needing to overthink it, but it never went away. I shivered as I sat down at my desk next to an empty seat left for my seat partner. I had been continually looking around whilst walking, and even now that I'm sat down at my desk. It was unnerving, feeling eyes on you but not being able to pinpoint them anywhere.

"Hey!" The chipper voice of Irene sounded.

I greeted her back as she sat down in her seat, taking out her books. I made some small talk to fill the silence, weirdly not liking the silence that I usually do. She gladly indulged me, easily keeping up the conversation, ranting about how bad her weekend was as her roommate had their boyfriend over and how they are both grossly cute it's annoying and making her feel even more single than she already is. I laughed quietly, enjoying her rants and complaints. This continued for around 10 minutes until the teacher walked in to start the lesson.

I was trying to listen to the lesson but kept on getting distracted by two girls whispering to each other and glancing over at me. I sighed not wanting to deal with two idiotic girls, but I set my face into a completely blank stare, which I've heard has intimidated some people, before looking directly up towards the two girls making direct eye contact. Their eyes widened and they looked away quickly, pretending to do their work. I rolled my eyes at them before finally going back to my work without any distractions.

~Time skip: 1 o'clock~

The teacher made our class stay behind as they were a couple of dick heads who decided that it would be funny to put turmeric roots into the teacher's potion, making it explode in her face with an orange staining powder. No one admitted to it so the teacher made everyone stay behind for twenty minutes knowing that all the good food would be taken by the time that we get to the cafeteria.

Whilst we were sat in class blankly looking at the whiteboard in complete silence as the teacher droned on about the same nonsense we've been learning about for the past three lessons, I saw movement out on the corner of my eye. I looked over curious to what it could be, seeing Yoongi standing outside of my class looking like he was waiting for someone.

It seemed as if I wasn't the only one that saw him standing by the door. Well- that's understandable seeing as he is a pseudo-celebrity around our school for his powers. Quite whispers were circulating around that class, a few decibels lower than the teacher hear, it is common knowledge among the students, everyone interested in why he would be stood outside of this class knowing that he doesn't take an advanced herbology class as it's only for Green witches.

The whispers gradually got louder until the teacher finally heard them, looking in the direction that everyone else is, a nasty scowl present on their face as they looked for the disturbance. As soon as he saw that it was Yoongi, his face changed the scowl long forgotten. He power-walked over to the door swinging it open quickly making Yoongi flinch from his place lent against the wall looking down at his phone.

"Yoongi! My son, what are you doing here?" Mr Song, the teacher exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

Quickly recovering from his fright, Yoongi places the neutral face he keeps on around the school. He shrugged the hand the teacher placed on his shoulder off and took a step back so Mr Song was no longer in his bubble.

"I am waiting for someone in your class, as it is near the end now, isn't it?" Yoongi spoke in that almost condescending tone, looking the teacher in his eyes.

"Ahh r-right," obviously startled by the tone, trying to recover as he turned back to the class, "Seeing as there are only five minutes left, everyone can leave early. Don't forget the project that's due next lesson."

At the words 'leave early', everyone started to franticly pack everything away, desperate to talk to Yoongi before anyone has the chance to. I didn't want to be swept up in the crowd so I slowly packed away my materials hoping that everyone would part ways before I get out there. But I couldn't help getting this irking feeling, seeing as a few girls clung up to Yoongi, pressing their chests into him.

I huffed, reminding myself that we technically aren't together, neither of us specifically asking the other. I tried to focus on packing my stuff and not letting my eyes wander back to Yoongi surround by all those filthy bags of potatoes.

"What's taking you so long?" A voice startled me out of my ever-increasing jealousy. I looked up to the voice, seeing Yoongi looming over my desk.

My eyes widened at his appearance, the thought of him coming to see me not crossing my mind once. I know we're friends, well- more than friends but that beside the point, but I wouldn't ever think he would come to my lesson to wait for me.

"H-Hi," I stuttered out, very conscious of all the eyes on us, "Why are you here?"

"I was waiting for you. What else would I be doing outside of your class?" Yoongi spoke, a slight amusement heard in his voice.

I could feel my cheeks rising in heat making me quickly look down. I'm not used to feeling like this, I'm usually very apathetic and don't show emotion. I felt Yoongi's gentle hand taking mine, pulling me to start walking out of the class my bag slung over his right shoulder. Everyone was looking at us in awe, not used to seeing Yoongi being affectionate to anyone that isn't his close friend.

Not letting go of my hand once, Yoongi dragged me to the roof of the school. Opening the doors to see all the guys and their partners sat down a blanket filled with pillows and various foods. I looked over to Yoongi with a raised eyebrow in question, wondering what's happening.

"We've done this every year since we met each other, it started off with on me and Namjoon but it slowly grew, and now that you're one of us we thought you should join," Yoongi spoke to me, leading me towards the others that were off busy chatting with each other.

The others finally noticed us, turning towards us and greeted us. The people I didn't recognise introducing themselves.

"Hi, my names Yongsun. But please call me solar, I'm a Yellow witch and Jin-oppas girlfriend of two years." One said, standing up to shake my hand in politeness.

"Hi, my names M/N. I'm a green witch." I replied.

We then sat back down, and the conversations started again. This is what I love. I know I haven't had it for long, but I know that I never want this to end.

But sadly, all good things must come to an end.




A/N: Haha, you guys thought I was going to make this story happy for once, but I can't. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, everything is appreciated.

Published: 06/04/2021

Edited: --/--/---- 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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