십일- 11

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When his breathing finally calmed down, he pulled away from me slightly but not enough for us to break the hug. I gently brought my hand up to his face, stroking his tears away unaware of the intense stair I was getting from him. I brought my gaze to his eyes, seeing how he was staring at me. I blushed almost instantly, putting my head down only to get my jaw pushed back and lips connecting onto mine.


The second our lips met I felt the tug towards him increase as if it were a string on tension about to snap. His lips although chapped were soft, fitting perfectly with mine. Even though this is my first kiss, it felt like I knew what I was doing, it coming naturally to me. After a few seconds, we pulled away resting our foreheads on each other's and staring into each other's eyes, not daring to speak and break the beautiful silence between us.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand the tug anymore." Yoongi softly whispered. It surprised me that he felt the same things as me.

I took my forehead off his, just staring into his eyes with my hands now interlocked with his.

"You feel the tug too?" I questioned, not fully believing him.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you, I felt this... tug, I guess? I just knew I needed you with me." He replied, fully describing what I felt as well.

"I've never done anything with anyone else, but I don't think this tug is something that happens all the time, right?" I spoke, not wanting to sound crazy even though this whole thing is.

"Wait- does that mean I was your first kiss?" Yoongi-Hyung spoke, gently caressing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Yeah." I blushed again. I looked down at our intertwined hands, seeming as if they were meant for one and another.

"Cute, and with everyone else I've been with I've never felt this tug." He replied to my question I asked earlier.

I turned back to face the park letting go of his right hand but keeping his left in my right hand, leaning my head on his shoulder. Silence once again enveloping us. I looked out into the park, seeing all the beautiful creatures around us. Billywigs flying all around the pretty flowers, bowtuckles clinging to the trees, and mokes running through the small grassy finding a place to hide. Most people would never be able to see most of the creatures, not having the eye to be able to see the small creatures, but lucky for me an amazing thing about my dark magic is that it alters your body to be able to see in the dark and notice small things others might not necessarily see.

"We should probably get back to the others before they start worrying," I spoke, even though I really didn't want to go.

"Yeah, we should," Yoongi replied, keeping his voice low.

We both got up, keeping our hands interlocked as we walked back to the restaurant. I took my hand out of his as the restaurant came into our sight, Yoongi looking up at me quizzically.

"I don't want the boys to know yet. I needed to understand what's going on between us before anyone else knows, alright?" I spoke, looking directly at Yoongi hoping he didn't take it the wrong way.

"I think that's best for now." He agreed, so we carried on walking and entered the restaurant to carry on eating with the group, Yoongi apologising for what happened.

~Time skip: Friday afternoon~

Throughout the week, Yoongi and I didn't speak to each other too busy with our separate work. As it was the first week of University everyone had been giving a bunch of tests and homework so the teachers could assess where everyone was with their powers and how everyone performs in different environments. I didn't struggle with much, just the amount of work we had been given was overwhelming.

I had been thinking a lot about what happened between Yoongi and me. Now knowing it wasn't just me feeling this tug made me want to know what was going on. It frustrated me. It frustrated me not being able to have the time to try and find out. All the spare time I had, away from school and schoolwork, I was either practising my black magic, eating, or sleeping.

I had finally finished all my work, so I decided to make my way to the dance rooms that the school had. Dance had always been a way I had relieved stress, being able to forget everything. It helped me be able to escape myself.

The University didn't have the Arts as lessons yet, telling us that after everything is had calmed down with work, they would be introducing them as a break lesson that wasn't compulsory and there wouldn't be any tests for them. The people that didn't take them would be allowed to whatever they want. As the lessons hadn't started, they let the students use any of the dance studios whenever they want between the times of 6 am and 10 pm.

I arrived at the arts section around 6 pm so I had four hours to destress. I immediately entered the first dance studio after seeing that there wasn't anyone else in the room, locking it behind me. The layout was simple, one wall covered from floor to ceiling mirrors whilst the others were a white faux brick pattern. There was a simple sound system set up in the corner, connecting to the two speaks on the opposite sides of the mirror wall. The floor was a light birch wood, with the typical squishy texture that dance room floors have. (A/N: Similar to SM's dance room)

I walked over to the sound system, grabbing the aux cord and plugging in my phone shuffling my dance playlist on Spotify, the first song being Workaholic by BOL4. I started to do my stretches before allowing the music to surround me, letting my body move on its own as I worked through my playlist.

Mind blank.

Heart racing.

Body moving.

Darkness gone.

It was almost as if I could feel my worries draining from my feet each time I stepped, leapt, spun. Shaking out of my fingers. Bursting through each movement of my body.

I felt free.

Free from my worries. Free from the stress. Free from school. Free from socialising. Free from my darkness. Free from my mind.




A/N: Hey guys! I'm really sorry for 1) the chapter being really late and 2) the chapter being shorter than normal. I have just been swamped with work from my classes, and my mental health hasn't been the best being stuck inside. I have been barely having the energy to get up in the morning but have been forcing myself to. Don't worry though because I have been getting better.

I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe. If you have any questions, whether they be related to the book or not, please put them here!

I hope the Potterhead's appreciated the creators I cooperated and once again, please vote and comment, I hope to be able to update soon.

Published: 23/04/2020

Edited: --/--/----

MonochromeㅣYoongi X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now