이십이 - 22

242 11 17


I woke up once again, still laid in the white hospital bed, about an hour later. This time when I woke up Doojoon Hyung and Jinhee Noona were both at my side, quietly talking between the two of them. You could see the love they share by the way they interacted with each other, with so much tenderness with each delicate passing touch they shared. They were by no means perfect, having fights when they were angry, crying over each other. But what made them work was that they always worked through it, relying on and trusting each other.

I was brought out of my thoughts when a sudden cough erupted from my throat, reminding me how dry it was, soon followed by a growl from my stomach. They both looked over to me, bursting into small giggles at my flushed embarrassed face.

"You hungry?" Joonie Hyung asked with a tease in his tone.

I nodded as I tried to sit up, Joonie Hyung helping and propping up my back with a stack of pillows. Jinhee Noona soon grabbed a bag from beside her, walking over and placing it on the movable tray that was pushed to the end of the bed. She had brought some noodles from this small take away place which I like.

She dished out the food into three bowls and gave it to each person respective to what they eat, Jinhee knowing everyone's orders by heart from the many times we had eaten from there. We then ate in comfortable silence, with the occasional slurping from my noisy brother, making both Jinhee Noona and I sprout out into little giggles.

Eventually, they both had to leave as visitor time was over leaving me all alone once again. I sighed and laid back down on my back staring up at the bland ceiling. My eyes travelled over the dripping design which was really popular in the '80s. My mind slowly drifted off to what happened. All I really remember is taking Yoongi's memories then getting shouted at by Hoseok, from then on it was blank. I know I was found in a lake almost drowning, but I have no memory of getting there.

I sighed once again, frustrated at the situation. I could have done anything in the hours that I don't remember. I know when I'm not in control I can be very dangerous, it's happened before after all. I turned over onto my side gazing out of the window, up at the dark night sky, not a single star seen because of the light pollution by the city. I gently reached out towards the sky, letting a tiny bit of my power out seeing purple smoke surrounding my hand.

"Liquet," I gently spoke, my eyes flashing purple.

The sky cleared in my vision, allowing me to see every star in the sky, even the satellite that slowly scaled across the wall of stars. The sky now a mirage of deep blues, Royal purples, subtle whites, and brushes of soft pinks. The intricate design of each colour swirling around the other was mesmerising. The stars looked like flecks of white flecks paint scattered across the sky, but if you concentrate on them you can see the subtle change in colour between each star. A sea of lilacs, baby blues, pastel yellows, and soft mint greens.

I always loved looking at the sky. It made me realises that no matter what I'm going through I am just a small insignificant fleck of dust that has no real influence over anything, just a small being floating through space, consuming food and water to inevitably die. This may be scary to some people but I find it comforting. It's hard to explain exactly why but it does. It gives me a sense of serenity.

I slowly fell asleep as I gazed up at the sky, dreaming about a world where I was nothing more than a carbon atom flowing through the rapidly expanding universe, not needing to care about anyone or anything.

~Time skip; 9 o'clock~

I was woken up by my brother earlier to help me get dressed in the clothes he brought for me after the nurse informed him that I would be able to get discharged in the morning. We went to the front desk to sign out where a nurse gave me a prescription for a stronger pain killer. I thanked everyone and then left with my brother. He really wanted me to go back home with him, but I insisted that he takes me back to school. I knew I needed to talk to Hoseok. I didn't want something like this to break us apart.

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