다섯 - 5

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Hoseok and I sat down near the back of the class together, only knowing each other. We were having a pleasant conversation about flying cats. Yes, that is very weird, but it started with him telling me about his dream which consisted of flying cats - don't ask me why, because I wouldn't be able to answer.

Everyone grew quiet as soon as they saw the teacher walk in, bringing a serious aura to the room with her.

"I'm Miss Blackbird. You will refer to me as Miss and only miss." she spoke, only further scaring some students with her tone.

"Before anyone speaks, I'm going to go through my rules for the classroom. If you want to gain my respect for you, you won't break any of these."

She then turned to the white board, grabbing a pen and writing the rules of the board.

Whilst her back was to us, I gave Hoseok a note which read "Have you seen her before? I recognize her from somewhere."

He read the note, shaking his head at me whilst writing back to me on the same note.

"I don't recognise her from anywhere, but she is scary though, so she could be from the council as they are some scary people."

I nodded back at Hoseok, turning back to the front as she started to turn back around.

"Don't forget the materials needed for the lesson, don't talk whilst I'm talking, put your hand up if you need to ask a question, do all the work I assign, if you need help ask me," She spoke pointing to each rule on the board.

"And lastly, this is the one rule I won't have any tolerance for. Don't be late." She spoke, leaning forward on her desk putting the whole room in a dark aura.

Suddenly, the door bust open revealing Namjoon and another boy beside him. They walked in and sat down like nothing had happened. The whole class was tense after the teacher stated that she would have no tolerance to late runners, everyone expecting her to kick the out of her class.

"Yoongi, Namjoon." The teacher nodded at them and carried on with the lesson, just like no one broke her most sacred rule.

After everyone got out of the shock that they didn't get punished, many hands rose.

"Yes Irene." Miss Blackbird spoke, turning towards the girl called Irene.

"Why aren't they being punished if they broke the rule you said you would have no tolerance to?" Irene questioned, speaking for most of the class.

"They were talking to the headteacher about Yoongis' placement for him being a white witch." She replied going back to the lesson. "Oh, that reminded me that you, Yoongi, need to introduce yourself as you are the resident white witch."

The boy, now known as Yoongi, sighed dragging himself up to the front. I recognised his voice as soon as it met my ears. Trying to remember where I've heard his voice before, it popped into my head that he was Hoseoks friend that I hadn't met. His voice was smooth and on the deeper side. I zoned out his voice and took a long look at him, admiring his features. He had blonde hair that was slightly messy as if he didn't really care how he looked, it was close to a white colour matching his pale skin. His nose looked like a button, which fit his face perfectly with his high cheek bones and sharp jaw. His eyes were a dark brown and slim, giving it a cat-like look. I froze when our eye locked for a moment, heart racing as I saw his deep eyes. Feeling like they were staring into my soul.

I quickly looked away, having a slight blush on my cheeks, hoping no one noticed. It was weird, when our eyes locked, I felt something that I've never felt or heard about before in the many books I've read. I felt connected to him in some way, drawn to him by a force. I shook my head trying to get those thoughts away as I saw him walk back to his seats, not noticing how his eyes lingered on me.

"Now that we are done with the introduction, I am going to assign you a seating plan.

Everyone's name will be written at the top of the desk, please find you name and sit in your assigned seat. It is all random so don't question me." She spoke.

Miss Blackbird took out a piece of paper ripping it into eighteen pieces, enchanting it and then threw them up in the air watching as each piece landed on the desks. She then nodded, allowing us to get up and find our seats.

I was lucky to only had to sit where Hoseok was sitting before by the window in the back-left side of the classroom.

Once everyone was seated, Miss Blackbird allowed us to have a 10 minuet talk with our partner seeing as we will be sitting with them for this term. I turned to my partner seeing a girl with long, brown hair sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Irene. Nice to meet you." She spoke, putting out her hand for me to shake.

"H-Hi, I'm M-M/N. It's nice to meet you t-too." I stuttered, silently cursing myself for stuttering.

"What type are you?" She asked, not giving my stutter a second thought.

"Green. Yours?" I replied, feeling bad for lying to her. She seems like a nice girl, but you can never know people's true intentions with only a few words spoken between each other.

"Oh my god, I'm the same. That means we're gonna be in the same classes, well most of them." She spoke.

It was weird for me, that she was excited to see me in other classes. I'm no one special so I didn't see what the big deal is for he to see me again. I tilted my head, giving her a questioning look.

"Your so cute." She said, fangirling over me. It was obvious she didn't get my questioning face, so I decided to just drop it.

"I'm n-not that cute." I replied crossing my arms and looking down slightly.

She just fangirled over me more, repeating that I was cute. We talked for a bit more, getting to know each other. It was quite scary how much we had in common. Yes, we didn't get that far into the conversation before we had to start the lesson but the simple things like our favourite artist, BoA, is the same and how we both can't eat too many eclairs otherwise we feel sick. It was weird but at the same time it was comforting, knowing there's someone I can talk to that is like me. Someone I may be able to confide in.




A/N: Hey guys, I'm starting to get into the groove of things so I will try to upload every two or so weeks.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, finally getting to see Yoongi. I will put in more interaction in, in future chapters so please keep on reading. Please vote and comment, I love hearing what you guys are thinking.

Uploaded: 21/01/2020

Edited: --/--/----

MonochromeㅣYoongi X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now