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~Yoongi's POV~

When we were shown to our table, I made sure that I was sitting next to M/N. I really needed to talk to him to see if he felt the same thing that I did earlier before Namjoon interrupted me. I was lucky that I could but as I always it wasn't enough luck as Namjoon was sitting on the other side of M/N. I was just wishing that Namjoon would focus more on Jimin who was across from him as they are fuckbuddies.

The waiter gave everyone a menu, saying that she would be over in a bit to get their drink orders, then left to tend to her other tables. The table then was surrounded in light chatter, discussing their first lessons and complaining about how they already got homework in the first week.

"My teacher was crazy! We started to learn about Shakespeare's life before we get into the actual books, but the teacher just jumped onto the table and started to scream." Jimin exclaimed, "No one knew what was going on. After about a minute or so he got off and went back to the lesson like nothing happened."

"I thought that it was some kind of drill or something," Jungkook added.

"That's what I was thinking but no one told us about it, so no one did anything," Jimin replied.

"I someone videoed it, and its already on YouTube. I'll send you the link so you can see it." Jungkook spoke.

Jin-hyung looked over at Kookie with narrowed eyes, "It was you, wasn't it?"

"N-No." Jungkook stuttered, making it obvious that he was lying.

"Jeon Jeong-guk." Jin-hyung said, using his full name, making him know he can't lie now.

"Okay, fine! It was me, but someone had to do it. Maybe some second years will see it and comment on it so we know what's happening." Jungkook replied.

Jungkook was lucky because the waiter came over before Jin-hyung could start scolding him, "What drinks do you guys want?"

"Sprite!" Hoseok screamed.

"Diet Coke." Jin-hyung and Teahyung asked in a relatively calm manner.

"Just a water." Namjoon and M/N politely asked.

"Soju." Jimin replied.

"Banana milk." Jungkook shyly asked, not liking that the waiter was a woman.

"Americano ple-" I started to speak, only to get interrupted by Jin-Hyung saying, "You can't have coffee before diner otherwise you don't get all the nutrients from the meal."

I huffed, not bothering in fighting back because I knew there was no point with Jin-Hyung as he would just win.

"Fine, can I just have a sprite." I sighed.

"Okay, they will be with you in a minute." The waiter spoke, leaving to get our drinks.

Everyone then fell into light chatter, looking over the menu. I looked over towards M/N to see that he was already talking to Namjoon, further increasing my irritation. I really needed to talk to M/N about what happened earlier, I'm sure that it wasn't just me because of the way he reacted. I know he felt what I did.

"Hey M/N. Can I talk to you?" I gently nudged M/N to get his attention.

"Yeah sure, what's it about." M/N replied, turning to look at me.

"Yeah Yoongi-Hyung, what is it?" Namjoon turned towards me in an almost mocking matter.

I glared towards Namjoon, "don't worry, it's not too important we can talk later." I spoke, not wanting Namjoon to know.

MonochromeㅣYoongi X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now