하나 - 1

978 35 4

I sighed looking up at the big building, terrified. I never wanted this to happen. I was only trying not to get hurt, I didn't think my lie - half-truth could go this far. I passed all my written exams in secondary school, only showed my green side of my powers, and completed all the physical exams. But I never thought I was good enough to get into MDC, the top University in South Korea. The only reason they wanted me was because I'm a pureblood, which is technically true but I'm just a different type of pureblood than they think.

As I stood there contemplating my life decisions and what I should do, I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see that Han, the demon I summoned when I was younger, was the one that was touching my shoulder. He gently smiled to calm me down, knowing that I'm freaking out in my mind.

"You'll do fine, no one will find out. Anyways, even if they do I always here to protect you, little brother." Han spoke, his voice travelling in the air.

I just nodded, knowing I would look insane if I replied back as no one else can see or hear him except my older brother as we're the only people he has allowed to see him.

I took one more deep breath then ventured into the school, going to the main hall where all first-years gather. I stood there in the crowd quietly, putting my head down so my long-ish black hair could cover my eyes hoping to not get noticed by anyone which luckily happened. Once the teachers counted all of the students to make sure that everyone was there, the headteacher walked to the front where the podium stood.

"Everyone here is special, everyone here has the opportunity to unlock their full potential, everyone here has the strength to be the best of the best. Each one of you was handpicked by me, I saw how each of you work and calculated how substantial you will be too us..." As the headteacher spoke my eyes drifted over the hundred or so of us, studying each of them trying to guess which type of witch each of them would be. 

There was one guy with bright orange hair, his smile looked like a heart, and he just radiated happiness. My automatic thought was to yellow magic as that is linked to the sun, but I studied him more and noticed the slight dirt in his fingernails, and how when he shifted from foot to foot, that his shoes had a bit of soil on the bottom of them - this clearly showed that he was of green magic origins.

The orange-haired male stood next to a slightly tall male with dirty blond hair that almost looked green. When he smiled at something the headteacher said, two small dimples appeared on his cheeks right by his smile lines. His entire personality extruded intelligence and leadership, this making me think that he has blue magic flowing through his veins as that's seen as one of the most complicated magic to be able to master, most people that have blue magic in their veins can't control it so they just suppress it. However, the dimple boy seemed like he could crack it.

"...and with that being said. Welcome to MDU!" The headteacher concluded, throwing his hands up in the air making the students cheer.

After the cheering died down, seven teachers held up colours corresponding to the type of magic you are descendant of, giving pupils around ten minutes to go to the correct colour so they can head to their specialised dormitories. 

I walked over to the teacher holding the green card up, taking note that the dimpled boy headed to the blue and that the orange-haired male walked to the same teacher as me, showing me that I was correct with both of their magic types.

"Is everyone that is here, possess green magic? If you do sprout a Lilac to show me that your confidence." The teacher spoke, sprouting a lilac herself. She wore a long white hippie-like dress with brown sandals and a brown stiff wide brim hat.

All the pupils sprouted a lilac, some having a slightly harder time than others. Once the teacher saw that everyone had sprouted a lilac, she started to walk down the corridors signalling for the pupils to follow. We walked down multiple wide corridors until we stopped in front of a large green oak door, the teacher turned around to look at all the students.

"Behind this door is your dormitories, there will be two people per room and before you ask, you can choose who you want to room with." As soon as those world left her mouth, I felt myself freeze up knowing everyone else had friends and I will be alone again. She pushed the doors open allowing everyone to see what the common room looks like.

The entire place was obvious that it was made for the green magic descendants as there was plants covering almost every inch of the place. There were fairy lights making it look magical garden, the colours all were based around nature with greens, browns, beiges, and the occasional orange.

"Once you have found out who you are sharing a room with and what room you will be staying at, write both of your names on the front of the door. Only once you have done that, you can go get your things then unpack. You will have three hours before we all have to meet in the main hall where you will see a table for us, it will be obvious that it's our table. Okay, you can go now!" The teacher finished, allowing the student to grab their friends and rush to a room.

I stood there awkwardly, waiting to see who else didn't have a partner. Surprisingly, the orange-haired male from earlier came bounding towards me with the same heart-shaped smile on his face.

"Hi, my names Jung Hoseok. I saw how you were alone earlier and as all my other friends are in different dorms, I was wondering if you wanted to room with me?" The orange-haired male, now known as Hoseok, asked giving me a friendly smile.

"S-Sure." I quietly replied, not used to the kindness. "Oh, I'm Lee M/N by the way."

After introducing ourself to one and another, we made our way to an empty room.

I hope I don't mess anything up.




A/N: I hope you like this story so far. Please vote and comment, if I get some feedback it will help me improve future chapters. Also, if you make up apart of the story in your head (like I do sometimes), please don't be afraid to comment your ideas, I like reading other peoples ideas as it gives me more inspiration.

Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy future chapters.

Uploaded: 10/11/2019
Edited: --/--/----

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