일곱 - 7

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"H-Hoseok, it's not wh-" I tried to speak, wanting to make up an excuse before he could realise what was happening. 

I started to panic feeling my heart beat faster, my breath increasing, my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.

"M/N get away from that, it's been conjured by black magic." He speaks, focusing on the shadow and not me.

I sighed, not wanting to have everything go wrong so soon into the year. I looked up letting Hoseok see my bright purple eyes, showing that I was the one conjuring the spell.

"M-M/N, what's happening?" He spoke, fear seeping into his words.

I clicked my fingers, making the shadow dissipate causing my eyes to turn back to their original state.

"Please go to the living room and sit down. I want to explain everything fully to you." I spoke slowly trying to keep my voice steady, not wanting Hoseok to hear the fear and anxiety in my voice. He nodded apprehensively and went back into the living room, out of my sight.

I shakily released the breath I was holding, trying to suppress my anxiety as I felt tears welling in my eyes. I forced them back not wanting to cry. I quickly picked up the book, that dropped on the floor when the shadow vanished, putting it back into its place under my bed. I made sure to bring the book I was using, remembering seeing a spell which allows me to erase memories from people's minds. Just in case in case he doesn't take it too well.

I slowly walked into the living room and sat on the opposite side of the sofa from Hoseok, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. He stared at me expectantly, making me sigh again as I gathered the courage to tell him.

"I'm a black witch," I said, not wanting to beat around the bush. "I was covering it up with the fact that I can control green magic and just practised the black magic in my free time. You may think that black witches are bad because of what you've been taught and how everyone sees them as destroyers with the powers we can possess of decay and mind control. They can be used for bad but there are many more things that no one knows about us, l-like there is a black witch at this very moment controlling the movement of the moon, a-and we can ease peoples p-pain by taking it ourselves, and we can m-." I rambled on, slightly losing my breath, not wanting Hoseok to see me any differently.

"M/N" Hoseok spoke, making me cease my constant rambling. "I don't see you any different, I was just... surprised? I guess."

I sighed in relief, but it was caught in my throat at what Hoseok said next.

"But... I don't know if I can trust you anymore for keeping this big secret from me."

This made me tear up immediately, not wanting my only friend in this school to leave me already. The tears were about to spill when I heard a chuckling sound throughout the room and felt two arms envelop me in a tight bear hug. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

He gently released me, lifting my head up to look him in the eyes. "I'm only joking, of course, I trust you. I know what could happen to you if anyone found out, so I know why you would keep it a secret, but next time please tell me. You may have only known me for a day or so, but your like you're a brother to me already." I burst out in tears, finally feeling accepted for once by someone that isn't my real brother.

Hoseok enveloped me into a hug as soon as the first tears came out of my eyes. He let me sit there for a while, allowing me to calm down. Once I could speak, I told Hoseok everything about black magic and he seems genuinely intrigued. After about an hour of telling Hoseok pretty much everything, we had to go back to class. Hoseok walking me to my class as it was on the way to his.

"I'll come to pick you up from your class after the last lesson. We're going to go out with everyone else and you can meet Yoongi properly." Hoseok winked and nudged me, skipping off to his class.

My face immediately went a bright red, knowing he saw me staring at him in the first lesson. I quickly made my way into the classroom, trying to get away from embarrassment, sitting in my seat beside Namjoon.

~Time skip: After lesson~

As promised, Hoseok was waiting for me outside the room donning a big grin. I finished packing my bag and made my way towards him after saying goodbye to Namjoon. Hoseok hooked his arm with mine, pulling me along as he skipped all the way to the dorm room. Once we got to the room, he told me to get changed into something casual as we're just going to the shopping centre.

I decided to wear my worn-out distressed mum jeans, fishnets, and my white and black guns n' roses cropped tee, going for a monochromatic look. I put on my black platformed Doctor Martines, a few rings and a black jean jacket to top off the outfit. I walked to my vanity, wanting to do a little more makeup than I had on for the school day. I gave myself a smoky eye, put a light pink lip tint on, sharpened my eyebrows, and gave myself a little winged eyeliner making my eyes look cat-like.

I came out of my room to be greeted with all the others, which surprised me as I didn't hear any of them come in. Hoseok was the first to notice me, purposely doing a loud gasp which made everyone else look over to me. Not used to having the attention on me, my face burst into a bright red colour making me cover my face out of embarrassment.

"OMG, YOU'RE ACTUALLY TALL FOR ONCE!" Hoseok exclaimed, running up to me and squeezing the life out of me. Me still only coming up to just above his shoulders.

"You look really good M/N." Namjoon commented.

I replied with a thank you, about to compliment his outfit too but had gotten interrupted by a grumpy voice.

"Are we gonna go? I didn't want to be here in the first place." Yoongi spoke, rolling his eyes.

Everyone agreed, quickly going out of the room to start the walk to the shopping centre. Naturally paring off as the path narrowed and there is eight of us, so no-one would be left out. From next to me, Hoseok whispered, "Yoongi's normally like this around new people, sorry. It shouldn't take long for him to long to warm up to you though."

I nodded, not expecting Yoongi to like me either way. There's not much to like about me.




A/N: Ooo, Hoseok found out about Y/N's powers. Do you think he will betray him and tell other people? Keep on reading to find out.

I hope you're liking this book so far. Please don't forget to vote and comment, every piece of constructive criticism is welcomed.

Published: 15/02/2020

Edited: --/--/---- 

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