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The walk was silent as we made our way to the fifth floor, where the only available rooms are as everyone else already took the first few floors. We finally made it to an empty dorm room, where there were no names were on the door and pushed it open.

The first thing I noticed was that it was very plain to allow us to decorate but had some furniture. To the right of the front door was a small blue sofa facing the storage room door which was to the right of the front door. Inline with the front door was a small white round table with four chairs around it, next to it was an attached kitchen with an oven, microwave, fridge-freezer, and a few cupboards. There were also a few plants dotted around, giving the otherwise plain apartment a pop of colour. The wall that next to the kitchen had two doors, which I assume are our bedrooms.

"Which room do you want?" I quietly spoke to Hoseok, pointing to the light oak doors

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"Which room do you want?" I quietly spoke to Hoseok, pointing to the light oak doors.

"I'll take the right room, if that's fine with you?" He replied, giving me the same heart-shaped smile.

I just nodded, wanting minimal contact with him. I pushed open the left side door and was greeted with a plain room with only a single bed in the corner and a small desk, giving me plenty of room to decorate.

"Hey M/N, do you want to go together to get our stuff? You can meet my friends, they will be coming round often - Only if that's alright with you?" Hoseok poked his head around the door frame, looking into my bedroom at me standing in the middle.

"Yeah sure let's go, and they can come round whenever, as long as they don't come into my room." I replied, walking out to the living room.

"Don't worry they won't." He spoke, joining me as I started to walk to the door, grabbing a key that was placed on the back of the door so we could see it before we left.

We walked out of the door, writing our names on the front before we headed out to the hall where all of our stuff was placed before we went to the main hall for the headteacher's speech. Whilst we were walking down, Hoseok was talking to me not caring that I was a quiet person and that I don't speak much. It was quite nice, having someone to talk to, even if you weren't doing much of the talking.

"Hoseok!" Shouted a voice, making both Hoseok and I turn around to see who the owner of the voice is.

There stood five boys, waving at Hoseok. Hoseok smiles once again and bounded to the five boys, with me trailing behind.

"Hi guys. This is M/N, he's my roommate. M/N these are my friends, please introduce yourselves." Hoseok spoke with a smile, that always seems to be in his face.

"Hi, I'm the maknae Jeon Jungkook. " A boy that had hair which looked like a coconut spoke, bowing politely.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." The blue male from earlier spoke, showing his dimples to me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung or V for short." A blonde-haired male spoke, giving me his box smile which I found adorable and couldn't help but to slightly smile back.

"Park Jimin." Another spoke, running a hand through his silver hair, looking slightly annoyed.

"Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin or Worldwide handsome not much difference between the two." The last spoke, earning groans from the others as I quietly giggled.

"Hi, I'm Lee M/N, I hope I can be your friends one day." I replied formally introducing myself.

"How old are you? Just so I know if you're my Hyung." Namjoon spoke, not wanting to be rude by asking his age.

"It's fine. I'm 19, born April 9th ." I replied, not being offended by Namjoons question.

"You're the 3rd oldest then, Yoongi and Jin are your Hyungs." Namjoon said, knowing his friend's birthday off the top of his head.

"Know we know each other, let's get our stuff." Hoseok spoke, knowing there would be an awkward silence soon.

We all agreed, starting to walk to the hall everyone talking together. I let myself trail behind them not wanting to disturb them and butt into their conversations knowing they knew each other for some time. By the time we were in the hall some of my cuticles were bleeding from me picking them out of nervousness.

"I-Ill go to my stuff and go back to our room." I quietly told Hoseok, not wanting to be around his friends anymore, knowing I'm invading their friendship group.

"We'll come with you." Hoseok spoke quite loudly, making everyone turn our way.

"It's fine, I'm alright on my own." I shied away, not liking all the attention on me, hiding my hands knowing they have a bit of blood on them.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked, looking at me with concern making me nod quickly. "Okay... We'll meet you in our dorm then."

I nodded, bowing goodbye then leaving to get myself. It was nice being by myself again, not feeling like I was invading anyone. I hate that I feel awkward with Hoseoks friend, I want to be friends with them but my minds stopping me. It always makes me second guess myself, making me think that whatever I do or say is wrong and that I don't belong with anyone.

I shook my head, getting out of my brain before I cried, already feeling my eyes watering. I took a deep breath, carrying on my way to my stuff.




A/N: As you've probably already realised, I'm not that good at uploading regularly but when I get to go on my holiday I will write a few chapters ahead as I used to do with my other books so I can get a more regular updating schedule.

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, please vote and comment.

Uploaded: 29/11/2019
Edited: --/--/----

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