아홉 - 9

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~M/N's POV~

After we finished the song, Han and I headed back to the bench seeing that it was already close to the time that everyone must meet. As we were about to pass the bench, Hoseok called me overseeing how almost everyone was there already.

"Who's this?" Hoseok asked, looking over at Han.

"Oh hi! I'm Han, M/N's friend. I was just about to leave; I only came here to get my sister a present." Han spoke, making up a perfect lie on the spot.

"Well, you don't seem to have gotten anything for her," Jimin spoke, sounding slightly possessive.

"I kind of got distracted when I saw M/N, we've known each other since we were four, so I wanted to say hi. My sisters present can wait." Han rubbed the back of his neck in feign embarrassment.

Before anyone else could say anything, I cut in. "Well he needs to go now, so I'm going to walk him to the front. I'll be back in two minutes tops."

I quickly grabbed Han and rushed him away from the group. He chuckled as we came to a stop with no people or cameras around.

"What?!" I exclaimed, getting slightly irritated at his laughter.

"You're just cute when your angry, like a little Chihuahua." He pat my head, making me puff out my cheeks in annoyance.

"You can go now!" I ushered him.

"Alright, alright. I'm going." He laughed one more time before he disappeared into thin air, going down to the underworld.

I took a deep breath, calming my nerves, before I walked back to the group seeing that everyone had arrived.

"Now that we are all here, where do you want to go to eat?" Namjoon asked. I wish he hadn't.

~Two hours later~

The two-hour argument lead us to go to a Korean BBQ that was located outside of the shopping centre, which meant more walking. I was going to go to Hoseoks side when I was tugged to the back. I looked up to see that it was Yoongi who had tugged me back. I gave him a quizzical look, but he just ignored me. I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to speak to me.

He is really attractive, and I feel this pull towards him, but I still can't understand him. One minute he is leaving me by myself then the next he is making me walk by him. He is so confusing. I just chose to ignore it, not wanting trouble myself.

Again, I felt a light tug at my sleeve. I looked up to Yoongi, seeing that he was already facing me.

"Yes?" I asked, still not knowing why he tugged me.

He sighed looking down, seeming as if he is composing himself, before he looked back up into my eyes. Slowing down so that we were further away from everyone.

"I'm sorry." He spoke softly.

I tilted my head in confusion, not knowing about what he is apologising for.

"For leaving you back there. I shouldn't have assumed you wouldn't like the things I like, which is why I left you. So, I am sorry." He replied, clearing my confusion.

I felt this warmth in my chest, somehow knowing that he doesn't apologise often. I could tell he was being sincere.

"I accept your apology," I spoke, looking back at him with a smile on my face making him smile back at me.

"I know we didn't get off on the best foot so can we start again?" He asked, slightly shy which was unusual as he doesn't seem the type to back away from anything.

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