이십일 - 21

278 11 2

Trigger warning(s):
- Numbness
- Blood
- Kinda suicide attempt but they're disassociated at that moment
- Drowning
- Hospital



After sitting on the cold tiled floor for another ten minutes, I slowly rose to my feet. Flushing the toilet and washing my mouth out to get the acidic taste away, before I unlocked the toilet door seeing Hoseok spring up from the chair he placed next to the door.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He started to question, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I quickly brushed him off, going towards the door but turning around the last second to see Hoseok looking at me expectantly, still in his place outside of the bathroom.

"Give Yoongi the ibuprofen on the bedside table when he wakes up, he'll have a headache." I started to turn around to leave before remembering something, "and I would never hurt him."

Leaving him standing there.

I had no idea of where I was going, I just let my feet take me wherever.

I wasn't present.

Physically, yes.

But not mentally.

It felt almost as if I was having some weird fever dream. As if I was looking down at my body walking in the middle of the street, eyes glazed over in a dream-like state, hair gently moving with the wind, goosebumps littering my body as I was dressed in a t-shirt and jogging bottoms, feet starting to blister from the rough floor. But I couldn't feel as the wind blew in my hair, as the cold clawed at my skin, as the blood started leaving a trail behind from the bottom of my feet.

I got many weird stares, but I paid no mind to them. Not having a single thought in my mind.

I ended up walking to a park on the outskirts of Seoul. There was barely anyone there, only the occasional druggie, too high to even see their hands let alone realise that I was there. I walked up the lake located in the middle of the park. It wasn't too big but very deep that they had to put a barrier around the circumference of the lake to make sure no one drowned.

I jumped over the barrier, seeing as the ice-cold water lapped at my feet as I stood on the shore of the lake. The water tinted a light pink as my blood diluted into the water. Once again, my feet took me forwards slowly submerging myself into the water, taking my breath away from the temperature of the lake.

~Yoongi POV: An hour after M/N left~

I was woken up by a pounding headache, not understanding why as I knew I didn't have anything to drink last night. I heard rustling beside me. Opening my eyes, squinting at the light streaming through the curtains, to see Hoseok sat on a chair next to the bed.

"Are you alright?" Hoseok gently spoke.

"Headache," I replied, not needing to speak to many words.

Hoseok nodded, helping me to sit up before he handed me a glass of water and two pills to ease my headache. After around ten minutes, I felt the ache start to ease. I finally realised that M/N was nowhere to be seen making me worry as I knew I was still in his place.

"Where's M/N?" I asked, feeling the need to be close to him again.

Hoseok instantly dawned a guilty look making my stomach bubble up with anger and worry.

"What happened?" I questioned, even though it sounded more like a demand.

"I said something I really shouldn't have, and he left. I don't think he was in his right mind either as he left without putting any shoes on or taking a coat." Hoseok started rambling, his nerves taking control.

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