여섯 - 6

657 29 13

I couldn't properly concentrate during the lesson, finding my eyes drifting to Yoongi every now and then. Examining his little habits, and how he is quiet unless he is spoken too. I looked back at my work as soon as I saw his head-turning. I hope he didn't see me looking at him. Don't want someone to hate me on the first day, especially if they're my roommates' friend.

Hoseok POV

I smiled as I looked over at M/N, seeing him look at Yoongi. I could tell it wasn't admiration from him being a white witch but something else.

His eyes tell me the truth.
I know he' hiding something but I don't want to make him uncomfortable, seeing as we are going to be each other's roommate for the entire year. I want to get closer to him so he can feel safe enough to tell me.

I'm not offended that he hasn't told me what he's keeping in but it just makes me feel sad as I can tell he doesn't have anyone he can confide in.

~Time skip: Lunch~


After the first four lessons, had lunch. I don't ever really have lunch, using it to do more work to get money. This is really this first time I've not had to do anything. Hoseok had said that everyone was going to meet at the canteen and offered for me to come, but I declined. Not wanting to make people uncomfortable.

I decided to go back to the dorm and use that time to practice my black magic, knowing I'll have to be more careful around Hoseok when he's in the house because it can be loud at times.

I put the keys away as I walked into the room, throwing my bag down by the sofa knowing I'll probably be rushing out later. I went to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water and an apple for a small snack. I then went to my bedroom to eat my apple whilst looking at some of the spell incantations, knowing I don't need my hands whilst reading.

I grabbed one of the dark books called Veritas, knowing I haven't read through all of it yet. I was gifted it from my brother a few months prior to getting into the school. He had finished the book and gave it to me, knowing fully well that I would want it. I flipped through it, looking for a spell that I haven't learnt yet, coming across a spell called Ut Tenebrae.

It was about the manipulation of shadows, allowing them to take a physical form. It is used to block magic directed at the user, encapsulate the user to be able to form a stronger bond for dark magic as it is more effective if there is no light when cast, see-through shadows in different places and more.

I decided to go with that one as it seemed pretty useful and could be used in a subtle way that others may not be able to see that it was me casting it. I read over incantation sentence, memorising what each word meant and the meaning behind them.

That's the thing with magic, you may be able to memorise the sentence spoken but the spell won't work unless the caster knows the meaning behind each word and in some cases the anatomy of the spell. For example, when using orange magic to heal a small cut, you must know the anatomy of each layer that you are reforming and how they work. It can be stored at the back of your mind, but as long as you have a memory of what you need to know, it will work.

That's the reason that only around twenty or so people out of everyone in the year will graduate. It becomes too much for people to handle so they drop out or they're kicked out. This school isn't for someone that wants to be able to heal a simple cut, but it's for the people that want to be able to repair someone who has had half their body mangled and needs to be repaired to perfection.

I finished my apple and used decay, so I don't need to put it in the bin. I walked to the bathroom and washed my hands, not liking the sticky residue left on my hand from the apple (A/N: I hate my mind). I went back to the book reading over how to initiate the spell.

I turned off the light, drew the curtains and place a dim yellow light in the middle of the room to make as many shadows as I could. I sat down on my knees, placing my hands on the hardwood floor. I closed my eyes and started to chant the words over and over again.

"Tenebris ut comedatis mecum, ut non disperdam."

I started to feel the hairs on my body stand, feeling wind circling around me as the spell activated. I opened my eyes, catching them in the mirror seeing them a bright purple. I noted that I would have to make sure I have my eyes down or have contacts in if I'm going to cast this around people. Feeling the energy extrude from my fingertips, I closed my eyes.

I said the final words.

"Nunc unum sumus"

I could see me sat in the middle of my room; hands placed delicately on the floor as a purple light surrounded my fingertips. I made the shadow slowly touch me, jolting me out of the position and allowing to see in my own eyes again. There before me stood a black blur, connecting to the shadows.

"Deambulatio" I spoke in my mind, seeing the blur float around me in a circle.

I was amazed that I was able to make it move the first time. Having a newfound confidence, I made it get one of my dark books, not saying or thinking about where they are. However, the shadow still reached under my bed and handed me a dark book. This showed that we were one and it could see all my mind.

I accidentally let out a slight squeal as Han appeared before me, too focused on controlling the shadows to notice he was here.

Suddenly, someone burst into my room a look of concern on their face, morphing into one of surprise and confusion as the shadow surrounding me.





A/N: Ooo, I wonder how Hoseok is going to react. Please vote and comment, everything is greatly appreciated.

Published: 31/01/2020

Edited: --/--/----

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