십칠 - 17

312 19 0

Trigger warning:

• Mentions of abuse

• Manipulation

• Graphic

• Mentions of death

• Bullying

• Food




~M/N age: 6, 2 hours after parents' death~

It had only been a few hours since our parent's death, yet here we sit. A broken laptop that's barely functioning sat in front of us, showing different schools. We had to make sure that we weren't near anyone that could associate us to our parents.

We don't even get time to grieve our loss, needing to act like nothing has happened to make sure that we survive. Our parents sacrificed their live to make sure we lived, so we would do anything to keep our selves alive. For our parents.

~M/N age: 9~

I sat alone, once again, in the corner of the cafeteria, praying that no one will see me and that I could peacefully eat my lunch. But I know by now that prayers don't work, and I definitely don't have luck on my side.

My head was slammed into the table, a bump instantly forming on my skin, forcing my face into the pasta I was eating. Laughter echoed throughout the room, resonating in my head like a music box mimicking my existence. No teacher would come to my aid, knowing that the kid's parents could easily put the school in bankruptcy, just letting me be tossed around as if I was a doll.

"Eat that fat boy." The kid snickered, getting gassed up from all the people around him.

I should be used to this by now, ever since me and my brother moved to the new school, we were tormented from day one. Everyone calling us Bestias, a corrupt witch, as they knew we came for the village that found the black witches.

I would have never thought I would go through something like this as I had always been a happy, carefree, flamboyant child. Oblivious to the problems going on around me. I bet three years ago if I saw someone taking someone else's bag, I would have thought they were helping them as they sprint down the street.

But I think the worst thing out of all of this is that I don't have Doojoon by my side anymore. In our old school all years were allowed to be together during breaks and lunch. But now we have lunch at different times, the adults claiming that the older ones are bigger and stronger, so they have to eat their lunch later. Everyone knew that was a lie but never spoke against it as it allowed everyone more space on the playground.

Doojoon had no idea what I go though, thinking the new bruises I get are from our aunts, which is a whole other ordeal.

We're never safe. Not at school, the place where adults are meant to help. Not at the place we live, refusing to call it a home.

The only place is the forest behind our house. Doojoon and I always go to the forest when our aunts are out with their "friends", or when they kick us out of the house for a few nights because we forgot to do the dishes, or we were two minutes late coming back to the house. We had spent so much time there we built our own little house using our powers because no matter how much we want to deny it we are black witches.

As we have no tutors anymore to show us how to safely use our powers, we have to do the research ourselves. Practicing in the small area we cornered off making sure there wouldn't be anyone or any animal hurt in the process.

We had improved a lot and were able to go back to our house to scavenge whatever we could from the wreckage of our house, being burnt just like our parents. Finding that the basement, where we stored all the black magic materials and books, hadn't been found. Allowing us to use everything for our practice, improving faster than we ever thought. We haven't started to try the really dangerous ones but knowing we would have to soon as we have to be able to defend ourselves against people who are there to kill us.


As soon as I heard the last bell for school, I ran back to the house not wanting to disappoint my aunts again and get a punishment. I was able to get back with a minute to spare. I'm getting faster, I noted happy that I was improving in some way.

I pushed the key into the lock, the door clicking open with a loud creak, proof of its age. I stepped inside, shutting and locking the door behind me, knowing that my aunts are home and that Doojoon was on a mandatory school trip. I quickly exchanged my shoes for slippers at the front door, running upstairs to throw my bag in my room before I changed into a pair of worn trousers and dirty graphic tee, reminding me that I needed to do the washing.

Quickly getting to work, I grabbed all of the washing in my room then scurrying into my aunt's bedroom. I had to go through all of their clothing to make sure that there wouldn't be any needles hidden in the pockets that could potentially break when they're in the washing machine.

It took a while, but I eventually ridded their clothing from everything, getting a few nicks every now and then. I brought the washing down to the kitchen, loading the whites into the machine first. Once the washing machine started, I carried on with the rest of my chores, not wanting to make the same mistake of forgetting once again.

I tried to ignore all the banging and ruckus going on in the basement where my aunts were with their "friends". Just hopping that they wouldn't come up stairs before I had finished, not wanting to deal with anymore bruises or cuts or threats or touches. However, I hadn't been paying attention to what I was doing and a plate I was about to put into a cupboard slipped out of my hands, falling to the floor with a clatter.

I instantly heard a heard of feet thumping up the stairs, closing in on the kitchen. Stunned, I stood on the spot looking down at the shards of what once was a plate. I paled as soon as I realised that the footsteps had stopped, indicating that they were now in the kitchen looking down at me.

"Now, what do we have here?" I heard Soji's sneering voice.

I trembled in fear, the unpredictable nature of my aunts scaring me down to my core. A hand clasped itself on my shoulder, violently turning me around to face my aunts and their friends.

"She asked a question. Answer!" Narae, my aunt's wife, spoke, voice dripping with venom.

"I-I acident-tly drop-ped-d it. I'm s-s-sorry." I got down on my knees, going into a full bow. Just from the way they spoke I knew they would be giving me a harsh punishment physically, not even a slither of mercy shown in their gazes of voices.

"Up." I rose to my feet, not looking at anyone in the eyes.

"Living room." Once again, I obeyed not wanting to worsen my punishment.

When I arrived in the living room, I took off my shirt and sat in the middle of the room on my knees. My breath hitched as I heard the cupboard being unlocked and item being selected from it. Once again, I heard the click of the lock, followed by footsteps coming into the living room. I didn't dare look as the items were placed on the coffee table, not wanting to see what they were going to do to me.

~Time Skip~

I lay there on the carpet painted a crimson colour, looking at the bottom of a man's boot as he kept my head down. I couldn't feel anything anymore. My head was blank. I just laid there. Letting them do whatever they wanted. Adding to my already large collection of scars.

I don't know how long it's been going on. Within the first ten minutes I shut down, only starting to come back now. I guess it's around two hours later, but I truly don't know.

They finally relented, just leaving me there with one last comment, "make sure dinners done by six."

Once I had enough strength back, I put my t-shirt back on stumbling to the kitchen. Falling over onto the wheely chair I use when I can't walk, starting the food I know I wouldn't have any of. (A/N: Killing stalking, anyone?) Their friends didn't leave today so I had to cook extra food, and also have more sets of eyes watching my every move to find any little slip up I do just so they can have some fun. I didn't even do anything wrong most of the times, they were just bored.

~07:00pm, In forest~

I had snuck away from the house the first chance I got, not being able to cope with the multitude of bruises and cuts I was receiving. As Doojoon was away on the school trip, all my aunt's attention was on me, scrutinising every little thing I do.

Tears ran down my face as I stumbled my way through the forest, trying so desperately to get the little cabin. I had decided that I was going to try one of the more dangerous spells, wanting to be able to have something that I can use to defend myself.

Throwing open the rickety door, making it slam and shake the cabin, I scrambled to the nearest Black magic book. Rushing through the pages looking for the first dangerous spell I could find. Finally, I landed on a page labelled with "Daemones credunt et contremiscunt filium". I skimmed the page, gathering all the objects needed to complete the spell, consisting of a dead bird, five white candles, rabbits' foot, dried sage bundle, Rosemary, lavender, sand, and white salt. Putting them in the centre of the practice area.

Quickly getting to work, I cleansed the room with the sage chanting "Respice nos apou deam felicitatem Tyche benedicat tibi potentias istas expulerit omne malum". I then drew a pentagram with the sand putting each herb and animal on each point of the star, continuing the chant. Finally, I finished by circling the pentagram with a complete circle of salt, making sure there are no faults or breaks, and placing and lighting the candles in line with each point, at least five meters away from the centre.

Taking a deep breath, I sat in the middle on the pentagram, the book placed delicately in front of me as to not disrupt the patterns. Following the instructions, I placed the tips of my fingers in the middle of the pentagram on the floor, focusing all my energy into them. I slowly started to feel the energy around my body direct itself to my finger, making it feel as if electricity was coursing through them.

I slowly lifted my fingers, seeing how deep purple lines connect them to the floor, and started to speak.

"Cyprinus carpio voco super te Lupe." I started, raising my hands to be eye level.

"Personam in dolore paries." Moving my hands in rapid gestures, tying the strings together to make an intricate web. Closing my fists to keep the ends in place.

"Fructum filium tenebras, et dolorem et laborem." Placing my right hand on the floor, I reached through the web with my right hands, not seeing it come out the other side.

"Princeps adducere ad tenebras, et filii diaboli." I grabbed whatever brushed my hand and pulled, making it topple over onto the top of me.

All I saw was a dark shadow looming over me before fainting after, having used so much of my power.

~Time passes~

I was slowly coming back into consciousness, not knowing how long I was out for. I was still dazed when I looked over to my right, seeing a boy around my age gripping my hand quietly chanting a phrase I couldn't quite make out.

"What happened?" I voiced, startling the boy.

He immediately grabbed my face making me look into his bright blue eyes ringed with a sliver of silver. I placed my hands on his, gently bringing them down to our sides but never letting go.

"Hi!" I greeted, "My names M/N, what's yours?"

"What you humas call me is Han Jisung, but you can call me Han." He spoke, his voice cracking every now and then splitting into multiple voices of different octaves. It's obvious that he's of demonic origins.

"What are you exactly?" I questioned, making him tilt his head.

"You don't know?" He asked, as if I should know, I shook my head no. "I am the devil's son, here to grant you pain on whoever you want."

My eyes widened, not knowing that that's what the spell was for.

"No, no, no. I don't want to hurt anyone." I dismissively waved my hands. "I kinda' just wanted to have someone to talk to other than my brother, someone I can tell my pain to. Maybe someone who could take me away from the pain, even for a little while." I spoke, scratching the back of my neck.

The devil looked conflicted, unsure of what to do. I quickly jumped in, not wanting to make the devil chose something that they can't or don't want to do.

"You don't have to be my friend; I know that's not what the purpose of the spell is." I quickly spoke, wanting to make sure he knew that he shouldn't feel pressured.

He gently shook his head with a soft smile gracing his lips. I tilted my head in confusion, much like he did a few minutes ago.

"You're really cute." He announced.

Not knowing how to take a compliment, I just blushed and gently giggled to make him know that I knew he was joking.

"I'm not kidding." He spoke again, making me blush even deeper.

"T-Thank you." I looked down to my hands, gently picking at the skin around my nails.

"It's not what I was summoned for, but I want to be your friend. I don't have any and it gets lonely." Han confessed, surprising me as I never knew that Demons have friends. I have much to learn about Demon culture.

"I would love that." I gleamed, showing off all of my teeth.




A/N: Hey guys, whilst I was writing this chapter I realised that I use alot of latin in it (as well as other chapters) so I was wondering if you wanted me to put a translation at the end or start of each chapter or an entire chapter by itself. Unless you dont care about knowing what it means.

Please vote:
Latin at the start or end of chapter.

Own chapter with all the Latin.

Don't care what the latin says

By the way, theres going to be a lot of time jumps through the next chapters. So please tell me if any of it dosen't make sense.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment, everything is greatly appreciated.

Published: 31/10/2020

Edited: --/--/----

MonochromeㅣYoongi X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now