Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
It's been a week since your episode and the team seems to trust Loki a little more. He still really only talks to you and periodically Thor.
It's early morning and you're in the kitchen teaching Loki how to make waffles. You're measuring out the flour when you see Loki's hand reach into the bag.
"Don't you dare"
He ignores you and throws a handful of flour at you.
"This means war!" you shout and chase after him.
He flings more flour in your direction, but you've caught up to him. You take your handful of flour, pull back the collar of his shirt, and dump it down his back.
"You didn't"
You just grin back at him. Loki takes his shirt off and flour falls to the floor. He lunges forward at you and you make a run for it screaming. You're grabbed by the waist and the powdery white substance covers you. Once your vision clears, you see Loki with the now empty bag of flour in his hand and a smirk on his face. You huff out flour from your mouth at him and he laughs.
"Fuck. You." You spit trying not to laugh.
"You wish"
Well obviously
You're very careful to keep your thoughts from your mouth but Loki still gives you a surprised look.
"What happened here?"
Clint is standing at the entrance to the flour-covered kitchen. You look at Loki with wide eyes.
"Run" is all he says and you both break into a sprint.
You both run into your rooms and hide from the team.
"FRIDAY, can Loki read minds"
"Yes, Miss (y/n), my list of Loki's abilities includes mind reading along with telepathy"
You quickly take a shower to rid yourself of flour and pull the water from your hair.
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There's a knock on the door and you open it to find Tony holding a backpack and textbooks.
"Yes, you're going to school. I already enrolled you. You're not fighting this"
"Tony, I'm over 300 years old and everyone knows who I am. I don't wear a mask like Peter."
"Stop fighting. You're going to school. Happy's waiting in the car"
You angrily snatch the bag and books and stomp down to the car. Happy opens the door for you and you flop down in the back seat. The whole ride is filled with your complaining and Happy nods his head. When you arrive, you get out of the car and Happy rolls down the window to talk to you.
"Give 'em hell, kid" he winks and fist bumps you.
"Thanks, Hap,"
You walk up to the school with your head down to keep people from recognizing you. The office people give you your schedule and locker information and send you on your way.
European Literature Pre-Calculus Mandarin Chinese Chemistry AP World History PE
This'll be easy. You've met Jane Austen and Albert Einstein, fallen in love with a Chinese pirate, and lived through a lot of history.
You hear your best friend's voice and turn around to see Peter and Ned walking toward you.
You run toward him and hug both Peter and Ned.
"Number one, love the shirt. Number two, what are you doing here?"
"Tony's forcing me to be here and we need to talk later"
The boys nod and take a look at your schedule and you have Lit and Chem with Peter, History with Ned, and PE with both of them. Since it's halfway through the first quarter, they promise to help you catch up, but you probably won't need it.
The day breezes by and soon enough, it's lunchtime. You find Peter and Ned easily and sit with them.
"So what do you need to talk to us about?" Ned asks when you sit down.
"I told Loki I want to rail him" you whisper.
Peter's eyes go wide, but Ned can't hear you. Peter whispers in Ned's ear.
"YOU SAID WHAT?" Ned screams and you wince.
"We got in a flour fight this morning, I said fuck you, he said you wish, and then I thought about it and he's hot and all, and then he read my mind"
"Aww, that's cute" Ned smiles and you smack him in the back of the head.
You bury your face in Peter's shoulder and let out a sigh. Ned's not wrong, this morning was cute.
"Hey Parker, who's the babe?"
A boy with his shirt collar popped up walks to your table and holds out his hand to you.
"Flash Thompson, what should I call you other than hot?"
You roll your eyes and lift your head.
"Holy shit, you're the Siren!"
"Yes I am and I suggest you leave me alone before I lure you to your death"
The guy holds up his hands in surrender and walks away. The boys high-five you and the bell rings to signal that lunch is over. You and Ned walk to History and you manage to get a seat next to him.
Lucky for you, the current time period is the 1700s. You and Ned grin at each other knowing you'll crush this. Every time the teacher mentions someone, you whisper fun facts about them to Ned and he laughs. Isaac Newton is brought up and you smirk. Ned looks at you trying to figure out what that look could possibly mean. Someone finally brings up that he died a virgin and you bust up laughing. The whole class stares at you and Ned gasps.
"You didn't!"
"I did" you manage to get out in between laughs.
The teacher looks at you sternly. "(Y/n), what could you possibly find so funny about Sir Isaac Newton?"
"I just find it funny that people actually believe that he died a virgin"
"And how would you know any different?"
"Well, considering the fact that I've been in his bed and let me say h-"