Hold On

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10 weeks have passed and you are huge. You have to waddle around everywhere and everyone fusses over you. They barely let you lift a finger.

You're lying in bed with Loki when you feel pressure on your stomach. You place your hand on the spot and feel it again.

"Loki...Loki" you whisper as you take his hand and put it on the same spot.

The feeling happens again and Loki kisses your head.

"Little Juno is excited to meet us" he laughs.

You get out of bed and tell FRIDAY to wake everyone up and have them come to your floor. I'm just a few seconds, the entire team is rushing out of the elevator with worried looks. They all look at you and Loki just standing in the hall and stop.

"Juno kicked! I want you guys to feel it!" You say with a smile.

"Oh my god, kid! We thought something was wrong!" Tony complains while everyone else runs to feel the kick.

"So is he going to be a siren or a god, or both?" Clint asks.

"They are no male sirens. If sirens give birth to a male, they're just human" you explain.

You all take bets on whether Juno will be human or god. The winners get to choose the movies for movie night for the next 6 months, while the losers have to deal with Fury the next time he comes.

After breakfast, you decide to go for a walk on your own. You've been so sheltered the past few weeks, that you just need some time to yourself. Central Park always seems to calm you down and you might stop by Peter's later.

You smile at all the little kids running around, then one comes up to you.

"Miss Siren, can I see your baby?" He asks innocently.

You laugh softly and look down at him. "You can't see him just yet, but you might be able to feel him kick. Would you like to try?"

He nods excitedly and you place his small hand on your stomach. After waiting a few moments, Juno kicks, and the little boy jumps and laughs. It's amazing how gentle little kids can be.

You continue to walk around in the greenery, but then it hits you.

Excruciating pain.

You cry out and drop to the ground. A pool of blood forms under you as people rush to your aid. The sound of ambulance sirens close in. The world spins. People's voices start to fade out.


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Loki's POV:

Her scream seems to bounce off of every wall. I run out into the streets trying to pinpoint where she is. I focus on her energy and head in that direction. Sirens wail in the streets as she becomes closer and her location becomes evident. A hospital.

I burst through the doors and looked around frantically. A hand touches my shoulder and I whip around.

"I'm one of (y/n)'s doctors. Come with me" the man before me says.

I follow him into the waiting room and he opens the file in his hand.

"When she came in, she was unconscious and bleeding. Upon further examination, we found that she had severe scarring on her uterus that opened back up when the baby grew. She lost a lot of blood and she's still in the OR, but we are doing our best"

I nod and thank him, then sit down in one of the chairs. The love of my life and mother of my child is hurting and there's nothing I can do about it. Every time the door opens, I expect her to walk out just fine. I expect her to run into my arms and we kiss as we have so many times before. But she doesn't. And we don't.

She should be sitting at home eating her favorite ice cream while I read to her. She should be giving birth to our baby boy in a couple of months. But she's not. And she won't.

My heart beats at a record-breaking speed but is so still at the same time. The world continues to move around me, but I'm stuck. All of my senses blur until I see it. The doors open.

The doctor from before steps past the threshold and I push myself toward him. From behind him, I can see an empty NICU incubator get pushed by.

"We had to perform a hysterectomy, but she's okay. Right now, she's asleep in her room, and I can take you to her in a minute. But the baby... he was born too early and we couldn't save him. With how scarred she was, it's a miracle she even got pregnant."

And the world stops again. Our baby. We were so excited and now it's been ripped away from us. Her past has come back and hurt her once again, but this time, I don't know if she'll be able to come back. She is so strong, but, this could break even the strongest person. I know that I have to be strong for her. I have to be there for her through all of this. Through her recovery and her grief.

The doctor walks me back to her room and leaves me alone. There she is, sleeping peacefully in a hospital gown with machines hooked up to her. I take her hand in mine and pull the chair up next to her bed. All I can do is wait. Wait for her to wake up and wait to tell her something that will tear her apart.

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Your POV:

The rhythmic beeping of a machine pulls you from your sleep. When you open your eyes, you see Loki holding your hand just staring into his lap.

"Loki" he looks up and gives you a broken smile, but you can see the red in his eyes. "Is Juno okay?" He winces and your heart drops. "Loki, what happened?" you ask choking back a sob.

He tells you everything the doctor told him and you feel like you can't breathe. You could just feel him kicking this morning. How could he be gone? He has a name and a big family of people who will love him. It's not right. It shouldn't have been him.

Loki climbs into the hospital bed with you and just holds you while you cry into his chest. He kisses the top of your head and you feel a tear drop from his face.

"I'm so sorry. If I had been stronger, if I had just-"

"Hey hey hey, no. This is not your fault. You've done everything you can for him. You cannot blame yourself"

You bury your face into his chest and cry yourself to sleep.

A/N: Sorry this is so depressing! I know that everyone grieves in different ways, but I am just taking this from personal experience. I lost one of my best friends in 2019, so this was still pretty hard for me to write. Please feel free to leave any comments, I want to know what you're thinking.
Love y'all!

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now