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Loki softly shakes you awake when it's time to get ready. You change into your bedazzled romper and put on some heels that are shorter than usual. The larger your stomach gets, the harder it is to walk in heels.

 The larger your stomach gets, the harder it is to walk in heels

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You and Loki make your way down to the party together. The press goes insane when you enter and you just know that your decision to not wear a dress is going to be everywhere tomorrow. The two of you chat with the reporters for a while, then go to find your friends.

Loki gets you a mocktail so people won't get suspicious while you talk with everyone. A familiar voice calls out to you from the crowd. You turn around to see your fluffy-haired best friend.

"Peter!" You wrap him in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Stark said I could come since we're friends! Ned's here too!" He tells you excitedly. He turns around and pulls Ned from the crowd.

Ned is just looking around in awe until his eyes land on you.

"Oh my god, (y/n), you look hot!" He says as he gives you a hug.

"Thanks, Ned, it's nice to see you too" you respond with a laugh.

When Ned backs up, he freezes. His eyes are focused behind you and you feel an arm go around your waist.

"Here you go, love. Hello, Peter" Loki says as he hands you your drink.

Peter said hi back while Ned just stood there staring.

"Lokes, this is Ned. Ned, this is Loki" you snap Ned out of his trance.

Loki holds out his hand for Ned to shake and he takes it hesitantly. "Thank you for watching after her at school. I know she can be quite the handful" Loki jokes.

Ned seems to soften a bit after seeing that Loki is not actually terrifying. The four of you talk for a while until you hear a booming voice at the bar. You and Loki make worried eye contact and excuse yourselves.

"Ah, my brother and Lady (y/n)! The ones who left me to deal with father during his fit" he greets you rather angrily.

You both take one of his arms and pull him away from the group.

"We haven't told anyone! You can't say anything" Loki hisses.

"I won't, that is yours to announce. Even though you were foolish back home, you are still my brother and Lady (y/n) is still my favorite"

You give Thor a kiss on the cheek as a thank you and head back. Loki pulls out a seat at the bar for you noticing you biting your lip. Pain rips through your head and the room seems to spin. Loki leaves for a moment then comes back with whatever bacon-wrapped food Tony has decided to serve. Bacon has been your most recent craving, so Loki knew exactly what you needed.

You stay sitting at the bar for most of the night. People come up to you and Loki and ask questions and ask for pictures and you oblige. Peter and Ned come over to say goodbye later in the night and you tell Peter to say hi to May for you.

Soon enough, it's just the people that live here left. You're all gathered around the bar and you're the only one without a drink in your hand. You had stopped with the mock-tails a while ago afraid that they'd mess with your already sensitive stomach.

"Hey, kid, want a Black Russian? I know it's your favorite" Tony offers.

Before you can answer, another voice speaks.

"Alcohol and caffeine consumption are not recommended for expectant mothers"

Everyone stops and looks at Vision.

"What did he just say?" Sam asks turning to you.

I think it's time. Could you get me some more comfortable clothes?

Loki nods and your romper is replaced with leggings and a t-shirt. The illusion is gone and you stand up with Loki holding your hand.


Everyone's eyes are now on the small bump. A sweet smile forms on Wanda's face.

"I can tell you the sex if you want" she offers and you nod. "It's a boy"

"Juno," you and Loki say at the same time.

Sam comes over and talks to your stomach referring to himself as "Uncle Sam" and you suggest that he change his name to that instead of Falcon since it goes with Captain America.

Tony immediately starts planning to put you and Loki in your room together and make Loki's room a nursery. Wanda makes Vision apologize for blowing your secret, but you assure them that it's fine. Loki's family knows so it's only fair that yours does.

A/N: Sorry for this being so short, but I'm just so excited about my plans for the future! We are approaching Ragnarok which also means Infinity War and Endgame. I will be changing some stuff to fit what I want. I hope you enjoy it!

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now