Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
You wake up strapped to a moving chair with Thor next to you. Whatever is happening seems to have been going on for a while because he looks worried.
"You will meet the Grandmaster in 5 seconds Prepare yourself" a voice says.
You look worriedly at Thor and he shrugs. Everything stops and the lights go back to normal. You are surrounded by people with the woman who stole you, a strange man (who you guess is the Grandmaster), and another woman directly in front of you.
"What have you brought me this time?" The man asks.
The three move closer to you and the Grandmaster sets a price on the two of you. He asks who you are and Thor dramatically introduces himself with weak sparks of lightning. When he asks you all you say is that you're Thor's sister in-law and that's all he needs to know.
"Oh, so you're married. Such a shame"
And with that, your chairs move again just to watch the Grandmaster turn a poor man into a puddle of goo. He then takes the two of you into what seems to be some sort of party room and explains who he is. Apparently, you are to participate in some sort of Contest of Champions.
The Grandmaster goes back to dj-ing while you and Thor look around. It's a strange little planet with many different species. Some Asgardian, so from who knows where, and some who seem maybe human. Thor suddenly begins to shout, but you perk up when you realize what he's saying.
Your fiancé marches over irritated, not having noticed you yet. Once he sees you, he rushes over and begins fussing over you. You explain what happened and he tells you he's been here for weeks.
"So, do you know this Lord of Thunder and his sister in-law?" The Grandmaster butts into your conversation.
Loki smiles at you when he says sister in-law.
"We're brothers!" Thor bellows.
"Adopted" Loki quickly corrects as he did when you first met. "But this one is my fiancée, and I would be eternally grateful if you would allow her to stay with me"
The Grandmaster claps his hand together and smiles. "Young love" he sighs dramatically. " of course, and you have access to the ship if you so choose"
Loki slightly grimaces and the last comment. You are released from the chair and the disk detaches from your neck. Loki embraces you and you mouth to Thor that you'll come back for him.
You go to Loki's room and he changes your clothes into something more comfortable.
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You tell him that he has to talk to his brother and he begrudgingly agrees. Loki rolls his eyes at something going on, so you force him to include you in his illusion.
Thor is sitting in a round room throwing rocks at the projection if his brother. The room is rather filthy and filled with people that seem not quite alive, but not dead either. They're just kind of, there. Like extras in a movie.
"You two are going to have to behave or we are never getting out of here. Please at least pretend to like each other for me" you plead.
Loki listens, but Thor just seems irritated and continues throwing rocks. You and your fiancé develop a plan to get out and go back to New York. The look on Thor's face tells you that he has a different idea.
"Thor, you can't go back. She's stronger than all of us. Hela crushed your hammer like a peanut and my most powerful thing won't even work on her. We need you alive. I need you alive. You are not missing our wedding"
Thor continues to say nothing, so you sigh and have Loki take down his illusion. The two of you sit on the sofa with your head in his lap. A tap on the window makes you both turn your heads and two familiar birds are waiting outside. You let them in and take the letter from Huginn.
Lady (y/n), At the time of the arrival of this letter, I will have already passed. In my leave, I give you ownership of my two most trusted advisors, Huginn and Muninn. May they help you in your Midgardian missions and keep you and my son in touch with your second home. Watch over my boys for me. The Allfather
Loki reads over your shoulder and smiles. You reach behind you and swat at him.
"Paper, I need paper" you requested hurriedly.
He summons paper and a pen and you begin to write.
My family, So, we're going to have to postpone the wedding. Loki, Thor, and I must deal with a problem on Asgard. Everything is fine, there are just some family issues. We will be back soon. And Steve, Loki may have read your mind and told me what you wanted to ask us, and our answer is yes. With love, (Y/n) and Loki
You give the letter to Muninn and tell him to deliver it straight to Cap. The birds fly away just as there's a knock on the door. Loki answers it and it's someone informing you two that the contest of champions will be starting in an hour. Apparently it's something you have to dress nice for since you'll be in the Grandmaster's suite.
"How exactly did you manage to be the Grandmaster's favorite?" You question and Loki laughs a bit.
"He thinks that this will get me to sleep with him and now that you're here, I suppose he-"
"God! No, ew on so many levels" you spit back, disgusted.
"We'll just have to stay as far away from him as we can, but we don't want to get on his bad side"