At Last

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You say your goodbyes to the team and head to Asgard through the Bifrost, this time willingly. Once you get there, Loki holds you upright since it makes you dizzy and looks you up and down. The next second, you're in a completely new outfit that is a perfect mixture of him and you.

 The next second, you're in a completely new outfit that is a perfect mixture of him and you

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"Loki, father would want a dress. You know his old fashioned ways" Thor says after seeing your new outfit.

"Well (y/n) doesn't like dresses, so I suppose he's going to have to put up with it" Loki retorts.

You smile at him remembering that you hate dresses and grab his arm. The three of you cross the rainbow bridge toward the palace. Upon entering, you are escorted to the throne room and approach the Allfather. You give a short, polite curtsy and he seems to scoff at your jumpsuit. Frigga comes up and gives each of you a hug and pulls you aside. She takes you to get fitted for a gown while the men talk.

3rd Person POV

The two brothers stand in front of the Allfather, one with respect and the other with a sneer.

"Loki, is it true that your lady is unable to bear children?" Odin asks rather abruptly.

Thor looks at his brother with a furrowed brow and Loki clenches his jaw.

"I don't see how that is of your concern"

"If she is barren, then why keep her, boy? She can't give you an heir. She can't give you anything"

Loki is filled with rage and opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by his brother.

"Father, I think that is quite enough" he booms. "Lady (y/n) is like family and I don't suggest you speak ill of her in front of either of us again"

With that, both men leave the throne room.

"Loki, is that true? Can she not have children?" Thor asks concerned.

"That is not my information to share"

Your POV

Women rush around you with measuring tapes, pins, and fabric of all types. Frigga explains the plans for the next three weeks and you give her a report on how her sons are behaving on Midgard. She suddenly jumps up and excuses herself from the room. When she returns, she's holding something in her hands.

A silver circlet. The pieces twist and turn into a beautiful pattern with a blue gemstone in the middle.

 The pieces twist and turn into a beautiful pattern with a blue gemstone in the middle

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Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now