Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
The day of the press conference. The day when you have one less secret to hide from the world. Your other secret has you sitting on the floor of the bathroom while Loki picks out your outfit for the day.
You were woken up at 5 this morning by the nausea and have been in the bathroom ever since. With the press conference today, you will have to get up eventually, but right now Loki is doing everything he can to let you stay there. He's made you tea and brought you ibuprofen for the raging headache.
The baby has grown significantly and now is definitely noticeable. Loki has kept up the illusion whenever you leave your room. You look around 14 weeks even though you're only at 8, but that's what you get when your baby is half frost giant.
FRIDAY's voice fills the room as Tony has requested your presence in the living room. The press conference is in an hour and the party is at 6, four hours later. You pop some tums and Loki magics your outfit onto you and styles your hair half up.
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In the living room, Tony lays down the game plan for the conference. He's going to introduce it as the team has news. Then, you and Loki will come on stage and explain everything. You will take questions for about an hour, then Tony will announce the party and you all will leave. Simple enough.
"They're going to get pretty intrusive with the questions, so be prepared. You don't have to answer anything you don't want to, but you should try to answer everything" Tony advises.
Loki squeezes your hand to calm your nerves and you take a deep breath. The three of you walk to the main floor with the conference room and Tony goes through the door first. The god of Mischief looks at you with concern.
"How are you feeling"
"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy, but that's nothing new." You reassure him.
He kisses the top of your head and takes hold of your hand. Tony gives his cue and the door opens. You and Loki walk past the threshold hand in hand with cameras flashing in your face. You're pretty chill around the press and they know this, so they are expecting your next move. Loki, on the other hand, has never seen you in front of the media and was not.
You take the microphone from the stand and walk to the edge of the stage. Loki follows you confused. Then you lower yourself and sit with your legs hanging over the edge.
"Hey, y'all! So about 2 weeks ago there were pictures of Loki and me" You look back to see Loki standing behind you looking confused at what you're doing. You hold your hand out to him. "Come on, Lokes. They won't bite" He takes your hand and sits down next to you.
"So, some of the rumors are true. Loki and I are together, but we are not engaged. This is a promise ring that he got me in Asgard. And no, he is not manipulating me nor does he have me under a spell. We love each other and that's that."
Kiss me you tell Loki.
What? On camera?
Yes, they'll eat it up
The two of you lean in and kiss each other passionately. The press loses it and cameras are going off everywhere. When you pull apart, the questions are coming at you rapid-fire. You quiet everyone down and take them one at a time.
"What was it like when you met?"
"Well, he called me a mortal" you start. "And she sassed me, then made me pancakes" Loki finishes.
"When did you fall for the other?"
"It was the day I arrived on Midgard and she healed me without being asked to and tried to do it without me noticing. Right then, she became the only person in the world to me"
The crowd awws and Loki smiles softly at you. It's nice that the people are able to see this side of him.
"For me, it was when I was teaching him how to cook and we ended up in a flour fight. We made a complete mess of the kitchen" you laugh at the memory.
"Since you're both immortal, how many years apart are you"
"713" you both answer at the same time. "But in your time it's about 3 years" you clarify so it doesn't sound bad.
The questions continue and Loki gets more comfortable. At the end, Tony announces his party tonight and invites practically the whole world.
You and Loki go back to his room for you to rest before the party. This baby has been completely wiping you out. That press conference took a lot out of you. You lay down in bed and Loki takes his illusion down. He smiles at your stomach and summons a book. He reads to you and the baby while you drift off.