You're spit out into a round, golden room. A man stands in the middle with a large sword stuck in some sort of fixture in the ground. You try to gain your balance after being thrown into a new realm, but you're seized from behind by two guards. The men drag you across a colorful glass-like bridge to a large castle. When you enter the throne room, your eyes land on a familiar figure from your past.
The gold eyepatch, white hair and beard, and sturdy armor. This man had bought you and kept you for two decades. You had only seen him during the transaction and never again. He kept you in a dungeon to be tested on every day. You never got a name or even knew where you were.
"Lady (y/n) of the sea, I've been looking for you for two centuries. It seems as though my youngest has led me straight to you"
"Odin?" You stammer.
You scream in your mind for Loki hoping he'll hear you.
"I'm afraid his magic does not reach across realms, dear"
The panic sets in and water trickles from your fingertips. You shoot a stream of water at both guards and make a run for it only to be met by more men. A wall of ice forms between you and the guards as you back up. Your back hits the stiff chest plate of another guard and cuffs are snapped around your wrists. You immediately feel your energy drain.
Third Person POV:
Peter Parker waits for his best friend at Delmar's for 20 minutes with no text or calls from her. She's never late. He leaves the shop, goes into an alley, and changes into his Spider-Man suit in a hurry.
Meanwhile, Loki mopes around his room waiting for the same girl to come back home. She's the only one he actually likes on Midgard and she's not here. He can't stand everyone else, so his bedroom is the best option. A few hours pass and he just sits and waits unaware of the situation in the living room.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
"(Y/n) was supposed to meet me 20 minutes ago and she's never late and she's not answering her phone and I don't know where she is. What if she was kidnapped or-" an out-of-breath and panicking Peter Parker rambles after swinging into the Avengers Facility.
"Kid, I'm sure she's fine. She probably just got lost. I've got a tracker in like, all of her jewelry." Tony reassures and asks FRIDAY to pull up your location.
"Miss (L/n)'s tracker has been disabled. Her last known location is East 14th Street."
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺Time skip where the Avengers look for you, but I'm too lazy to write about it ༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
After a while, Loki realizes that you've been gone for a while and tries to contact you. He reaches for your mind but finds nothing. Panic sets in and he rushes to the floor that all the others are on.
"(Y/n)'s off-world. I can't reach her"
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
A/N: I'm sorry this is so short, but I was getting nowhere with this chapter. I thought y'all would prefer if I cut it short and moved on to the next instead of depriving you of content for any longer.
Kendall 😘

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)
FanfictionTakes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely: You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...