In the morning, you go to find Bruce and Thor. You hear a crash and head in that direction hoping that it's the Hulk. Down a long hallway, you come upon a doorway with the mandible of some creature blocking it. Peering over it, you see Hulk, Thor, and the woman that captured you. The woman begins to chug a bottle of liquor.
"Hulk! Hey big guy!" You shout getting his attention.
"Mermaid!" He shouts running over to you. He picks you up and puts you down on the other side of the bone.
"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles." You hear.
"Tell me about it! I've been kidnapped by the guy! Twice " you say and the woman, who you've gathered is called Valkyrie, high fives you.
You take in the new room, ignoring Thor's squabble with Valkyrie. The only time you do pay attention to Thor is when he's jumping out the window. Before you can even react, you are scooped up by a green hand and also heading out the window.
After making your way through the crowds, you find yourself in a wrecked quinjet. Thor is trying to activate it, while you try to calm Hulk down. You put your hands in his and begin to softly sing. His body fights for control and his skin begins to change colors. He rips his hands from yours, but you continue singing. Eventually, Bruce Banner is sitting on the floor in front of you. You root through the quinjet and find some of Tony's clothes to give to him.
While walking through the streets, you reach out to Loki. No response. You start to panic and push harder through the crowd of people. He never doesn't answer you. Something must be wrong.
You slam into another person and look up to find Valkyrie, Thor and Bruce. Apparently they were looking for you. Valkyrie has agreed to help you guys and is taking you back to her apartment.
She opens the door and inside is your fiancé wrapped in chains on the floor.
You run to him and put ice around the chains. They break at the slightest pull, freeing him. The rest of the group devise a plan, while you heal the bruises Valkyrie left on Loki. He kisses you in the forehead just as blue sparks start to spit out around you. Everyone looks at you worried.
"Loki" you start.
"It's not me" he responds trying to stop it.
And just like that, it's gone. The room, the people, Sakaar. It's all just... gone. You take in your new surroundings and see a girl, around Peter's age standing around a bunch of computers looking at you with wide eyes.
"Brother! It worked!" She shouts startling you.
Someone comes into the room and you turn to meet them.
"(Y/n)?" He says coming over to help you up.
"How did I get here? Wait, where is here?" You start to panic since you left your fiancé on Sakaar.
"You're in Wakanda. My sister here has been experimenting with cross-world travel and seems to have picked you up"
The girl now comes up to you with her hand out and you take it. She introduces herself as Shuri and takes you to a room you can stay in until the team comes to get you. You sit on the bed and call out to Loki.
I'm fine, Lokes, I'm in Wakanda. Come home soon, I can't wait to call you my husband
I'll be home in no time, my love
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
After a few hours, T'Challa comes to get you when the team arrives. You walk out next to T'Challa to greet them. Each of them hug you, and you and Sam do your handshake. While explaining the situation on Sakaar and Asgard, you notice Bruce come out of the jet. You look behind him expecting your fiancé, but see nothing. Bruce sees the look on your face and puts his hand on your shoulder.
"Asgard has been burnt to the ground, but they got away on a ship" he pauses for a second and takes a deep breath. "Thanos attacked and Heimdal sent me back before he was done"
You step back and collide with Bucky. Loki told you about Thanos and even knowing that he still exists terrifies you. But now he's found him. Now he's gone after Loki again.
Loki, tell me your okay, please be okay
There's no response.
Bucky catches you as your knees give out from underneath you. Everyone rushes over to you, but come to a screeching halt when something crashes through the atmosphere. Some sort of space craft plummets toward the earth. It's a welcome distraction for you and you race to the nearby lake.
Your suit forms around you and the ice sword takes shape. With a little hope, you call out to Loki again.
I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you
There's a moment of silence and you let your shoulders droop.
I love you too, darling
Your breath hitches and tears fall from your eyes. He's okay. Your Loki is okay.

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)
FanfictionTakes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely: You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...