Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
A week passes and you and Loki are closer than ever. You rarely leave each other's side, but when you do, you're still talking to each other one way or another.
Today is the day you're going to meet the people. You've been told that you have a reputation to uphold, so you must dress nice. You're standing in front of the closet looking for something that you don't hate when there's a knock at your door. You call the person in and Loki comes in and laughs at you in distress in front of the closet. He's holding something behind his back, so you furrow your brows and walk over to him.
"I talked with Mother this morning and we agreed that this would suit you much better than those dresses," he says as he pulls the thing out from behind him.
It's a beautiful breezy romper with a skirt overlay to make it appear like a dress from behind.
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You give Loki a quick kiss and rush to put it on. It fits perfectly. You leave your hair down with soft waves and head back out to Loki.
The two of you ride into town on Fannar and Dekkja. Loki ties up the horses while you take everything in. The street is lined with stalls full of different products. Brightly colored fruits, garden fresh vegetables, shimmering jewelry, and soft fabrics. The smell of freshly baked bread fills your nose and a smile spreads across your face.
Loki comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. You tilt your head back and give him a goofy grin.
"Is it safe to assume that you like it?"
"It reminds me of the towns Shih Yang and I would visit. It's lovely" you respond.
You drag Loki down the street, stopping to greet people along the way. When you pass, everyone stops and stares at the bright, chipper girl who has softened the brooding prince. A group of little girls are watching you from afar, but keep glancing at Loki behind you.
"Prince Loki!" A man calls from behind a stall of jewelry.
"One moment, love," Loki tells you before walking toward the man.
You continue walking down the street looking at all the different products. A slight tug at your skirt makes you stop in your tracks. You look to your side and find one girl with a group of girls in a huddle behind her. You squat down so you are at the same height and beckon the other girls over.
"Are you lady (y/n)" the first girl asks.
"I am, but you can just call me (y/n). There's no need to be formal"
"Are you really going to marry Prince Loki?" Another girl speaks up.
"Not yet, but I hope so in the future"
"Do you love him?"
"I do. I love him very much"
"But not as much as I love her" a familiar voice comes from above you and two hands are gently placed on your shoulders.
The girls look up at him with wide eyes and stand there staring at him. That is, until, one girl bravely speaks up.
"Are you going to have babies?"
A sharp pain ripples through your gut. You clench your jaw and Loki squeezes your shoulders. Before you have to answer, a woman comes rushing up to the kids.
"Brit! I told you not to go anywhere. Girls, you best get back to your mothers. I'm sure they're worried sick!" She then looks at you and Loki and her breath hitches. "Lady (y/n), your Highness, I'm so sorry for Brit bothering you. I should have watched her closer. I-"
"Ma'am, it's fine, really. She's a sweet little girl" you interrupt her brushing your skirt out.
She thanks you over and over again and then goes on about her day.
"So what did the man want?" You ask Loki.
"Oh, I had asked him for a favor a few days ago and he was just telling me that it was ready." He pulls a box out of his pocket and opens it. "(Y/n), my love, my little siren, I know it is too early for marriage, but I hope you will accept this as a promise between us that we will stay together. I love you more than you could ever know. I love your laugh and your soft voice when you wake up in the mornings. I love your smile and the way you always touch your hair. Most importantly, I love the way you love me. The way you always make me feel like I'm enough. The way you bury your face in my neck when you're tired. The way kiss me good morning and goodnight. And the way you play with my hair when you're bored. I love you, little siren, and nothing will ever stop me"
Tears well in your eyes as you look at the promise ring in his hands. You stand on your toes and kiss him. This type of PDA is horribly"unroyal", but you don't care. You aren't a princess, so the royalty rules don't really apply to you. When you pull away, Loki slips the ring on your finger.
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