We'll Be Fine

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"Clint, where's Nat?"

Bruce's voice rings through the room and Clint collapses on the platform. You couldn't expect everyone to come out of this alive, but you had hope. Hope that was then ripped from your grasp. She's gone. The person who you spent many a drunken nights with as two of three girls in the whole compound. The person who helped you get ready for every party and every date is dead. You take a few shaky steps backwards, grabbing onto the closest thing for stability.

Thor looks around at everyone confused. "Why are we acting like she's gone? We got the stones, we can bring her back"

You scoff and turn to him. "That's not how this works" your voice shakes, "she's dead. She's not dusted like the others. There's no bringing her back, okay?" Cap starts toward you to calm you down but you back away. "Do you really thing you're the only one that could've thought about that? The only one that wants to bring her back? Don't be naïve, it's not possible. She's gone"

The rest of the avengers stay where they are as the halls rush past you. Your footsteps echo, the only sound in the building until Clint turns to go after you. "Y/n we have to do this now. If we don't, Nat died for nothing" he says, his voice strained

"So we're just supposed to move on? She was the best of us and she doesn't get a mourning period or anything. Just another war"

Clint nods softly, understanding better than anyone how shitty the situation is. You lock eyes with him and straighten yourself up. "So who's snapping?"

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The stones are arranged in a newly made gauntlet similar to the one that took everything from you. Everyone gathers around it realizing just how close victory is.

Bruce prepares to slip the gauntlet on since the radiation is mostly gamma, it'll affect him the least.

"You remember– everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years" you stop him mid snap, worry in your eyes.

He gives you a soft smile. "I know. You'll still have Parker"

You relax a bit and step behind Tony in his suit out of caution. Bruce cries out in pain when the gauntlet fits to his hand, the power of the stones surging through him. He manages to snap despite the suffering. The gauntlet is thrown across the room and everyone stands still, afraid to see if it worked.

The silence is interrupted by a chorus of birds and Clint's phone ringing with his wife's face flashing across the screen. You all breathe a sigh of relief just before and all too familiar whistling sound gets louder. A missile soars through the window and decimates the Avengers' Compound.

You form a swirling globe of water around the people closest to you, that being Tony and Cap. The water sends any debris coming your way flying in the opposite direction. Once everything seems to calm, you let it down and transform your clothes into your suit.

"Ready boys?"

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Sorry that was so short! I was struggling with this chapter as you can tell from my disappearance. The next one will get into the action so it will be longer.
Y'all have @fan-of-the-fandoms to thank for me finally getting this written. Their Doctor Strange x Reader Daughter of the Arts is what gave me the motivation to write. I 100% recommended reading it. It's sooooo good

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now