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You wake up to Peter's alarm and climb down from the bed. The two of you take turns in the bathroom then you grab clothes from your part of his closet. Yes, you have taken a portion of his closet hostage for your clothes for when you sleep over.

 Yes, you have taken a portion of his closet hostage for your clothes for when you sleep over

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You and Peter stop for a bagel and coffee on the walk to school. Ned meets up with you at Peter's locker and you tell him what Peter found out last night. Ned, being Ned, flips out.

"Have you done it?" He gasps.

"NED" Peter slaps his arm, but you blush and look at the floor. "You didn't!"

You actually make it through the whole school day, which is a first. In PE, you're learning self-defense and since you live with two world-class assassins, you've kinda got this. Girls are paired together and the same with the boys, but when Coach Wilson gets to you, he lets that rule slide. He knows you could easily kick anyone's ass including his.

You get paired with Flash which is one of the best moments of your life. Coach Wilson teaches some techniques to just disable and not injure your opponent. Flash, with his fragile masculinity, takes the first shot and you block it easily. You throw a fake punch making him duck down opening the perfect opportunity for you. You jump up, wrap your legs around his head, and flip him over. He lands on the ground with a thud and you land gracefully on your feet. Just as Nat taught you.

The whole class stares while Ned cheers and Peter laughs

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The whole class stares while Ned cheers and Peter laughs. You take a mocking bow and offer your hand to help Flash up. He huffs and gets up on his own.

The dismissal bell rings and you race outside looking for Happy. You don't see him, so you pull out your phone to call him.

"Hey, NewtonFucker!"

You turn around with a huge smile and run toward the voice.


Your "brother" is leaning against his car that, of course, Tony bought him for his 16th birthday. You tackle him with a hug and he laughs.

"Miss me?"

"You? Never" you tease.

During the drive to the compound, Harley tells you that he's staying with the team for the rest of the week. All the extra rooms are on yours and Loki's floor, so he'll be staying there. That means you have to be more careful when sneaking around.

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now