Daddy Issues

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You're thrown into a room with a metal table and a counter full of tools. You make the mistake of assuming you're alone and trying to find a way through the door. Before you can get very far, a needle pricks your skin and you quickly fall unconscious.

When you wake up, you find yourself strapped to the table with now only a bra and shorts on. The cuffs restraining your powers are still on leaving you helpless.

You open your mouth to scream for help, but nothing comes out

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You open your mouth to scream for help, but nothing comes out. Those Asgardian bastards somehow took your voice, your strongest power. With that option gone, you scream out in your mind as a last resort. Maybe, just maybe, someone has powers like Loki and will hear you.

An hour passes and no one has come into the room. You continue to call for help, but start to lose hope. After noticing a couple of injection marks, you've tried to figure out what they've done, but you haven't noticed anything different. The cuffs continue to drain your energy, but it's impossible to sleep. You're not tired, just weak. You don't think you could move on your own.

You shout one last time and sink back into the cold metal table. The door suddenly swings open and you shudder in fear. A figure stands over you, but it's not one of the guards.

"Oh, dear! What have they done to you?"

A beautiful woman with cascading blonde hair comes into view. Magic flows from her fingertips and the restraints and cuffs disappear. She helps you up and you give her a smile of gratitude. The two of you hurry out and sneak through the many halls of the palace. She leads you to her chambers and sits you down in a large armchair.

"What's your name, dear?"

You point to your throat and shake your head trying to get the message across. She looks at you sadly and snaps her fingers. You clear your throat and your voice is back.

"(Y/n), ma'am. Thank you so much for saving me, but I must get back to Earth."

"Earth? With those eyes, I assumed you were from Alfheim, not Midgard"

You quickly look at a mirror across the room and see that your eyes are white. How are you stuck halfway between forms? White eyes, but no tail. That must have been what one of the injections was for.

The kind woman hides you in her chambers and the two of you talk for a while. If only you knew what was going on just across the palace.

3rd Person POV:

"Heimdal, Open the Bifrost!" Loki shouts into the sky outside of the compound.

Anger is radiating off of him while Peter is pacing with anxiety. Both have lost someone very important to them and they want her back.

To Peter, (y/n) is his best friend. They do everything together and bug each other constantly. They've fought by each other's sides ever since they met and will never let the other go. One without the other is like Brie Larson without Samuel L. Jackson. It's just not right.

Loki and the Siren (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now