Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
Warm yellow light pours in from the window across the room. You pry open your eyes and roll onto your back. Having the whole bed to yourself is foreign to you now. Apparently, that's what Frigga needed to talk to Loki about. According to Asgardian tradition, those in the process of courting cannot share a room. He tried to fight back, but she put her foot down.
A knock at the door finally gets you out of bed. You open the door and see Loki standing there with a plate of pastries and a cup of tea. The two of you sit on the bed, eat pastries, and talk.
"Would you like to go riding before the ball tonight?"
You perk up at the question and nod with your mouth full of food. Once you finish, you open the closet and scan it for riding-appropriate clothes.
"Loki, these are all dresses. I am not wearing a dress to go riding"
He laughs and you turn around to see him holding a stack of clothes and boots. You give him a quick kiss and run into the bathroom to change.
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When you come out, Loki takes you to the stables. He gets his mare, Dekkja, ready while you choose one. Your eyes land on a beautiful white horse and Loki laughs.
"That's Fannar, Dekkja's mate"
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(Fannar and Dekkja)
You put a bridle on him and hop on Fannar while Loki is still putting the saddle on Dekkja. Loki follows close behind you once you get out into the field. He then leads you to a path through the woods. The sound of rushing water overpowers the other bustlings of the forest.
Loki comes to a stop and you pull up next to him. A beautiful waterfall piling into a clear lake. The water shimmers in the sunlight and you immediately hop off your horse and run to it. The water is your second home.
You run into the water still in your clothes and spin around. Loki laughs at your childishness but joins you in the lake anyway. The two of you mess around without a care in the world. As if you weren't a siren and he wasn't a prince of Asgard.
When you get out of the water, your clothes are clinging to your body. Loki looks you up and down slowly, his eyes stopping at your lips. You back up slowly, feeling for something to stand against. You end up with your back flat against a tree and Loki closes in.
Your hands immediately go to his hair and you pull him closer to you. Your mouths move perfectly in sync and you no longer try to fight for dominance. You know you won't win.
"Jump" he mumbles into the kiss.
You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. He holds you in place as his kisses move down your neck. He stops, realizing that you are being presented at the ball tonight, and goes back to your lips.
Super short smut warning ⚠️
In a split second, your pants have disappeared as have his. He thrusts into you and your nails dig into his back. You attach your lips to the base of his neck and he lets out a moan.
He starts to go harder and faster making you moan into his shoulder. After a while, he releases inside of you causing you to reach your climax.
End of smut
You both put your clothes back on and hop onto your horses. Loki challenges you to a race back and you win.
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A/N: Just a cute, short chapter before the lavish ball! The horses' names are traditional Scandinavian names, so they actually have meaning behind them. Thank you for reading! Kendall😘