Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and will follow VERY loosely:
You, a siren with water powers, join the avengers after being discovered while helping Spider-Man on the beach. The Avengers take you in as family with your two dads (Ton...
It's been a week and no one has figured it out. The morning sickness has been horrible, but Loki helps you through it. He makes you tea every morning and rubs your back soothingly.
Oh, and apparently you missed the last day of school while you were in Asgard. But let's be honest, it's not like you were on track to graduate anyway. You'd been to like 3 days of school.
You wake up early in the morning, but this time without nausea. After carefully getting out of bed so as to not wake the sleeping man next to you, you go into the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. What you see in the mirror makes you come to a screeching halt.
There is now a bump protruding from your stomach. Not a large one, but a definitely noticeable one. One that you can't just pass as a "food baby." But you're only six weeks along. You shouldn't be showing yet.
"Loki" you call out concerned.
"Yes, my love" he answers sleepily. You walk out of the bathroom and stop in front of the bed. "Well that happened rather quickly, didn't it?"
"What if something's wrong? I'm only at 6 weeks!" You start to panic.
Loki gets out of bed and comes over to you. He puts his hands on your shoulders and kisses your forehead.
"Darling, this baby is half frost giant. They're going to grow more than other babies. I assure you nothing is wrong"
With a wave of his hand over your stomach, an illusion hides the bump.
You go to get dressed, but when you pull your jeans on, they won't button over the bump. Loki notices your predicaments and finds you a pair of leggings.
"Would you like to go shopping today, love? We could get stuff for you and the baby"
The two of you leave the compound undetected and set off for a nice breakfast date before shopping. At the restaurant, all eyes were on you two. Loki and the Siren. The man who tried to take over Earth and an Avenger. Both laugh at what the other says while sitting at a table hand in hand.
After breakfast, the two of you head to a couple of stores, BuyBuy Baby being the last one. Adorable onesies are everywhere and you have to refrain from buying all of them. Loki decides on one and you also pick up a crib, some toys, and a baby carrier.
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Before leaving the store, Loki puts an illusion over the bags just in case someone sees you. Once you leave, the two of you just walk around for a bit and eventually reach Central Park.
Luscious green trees spot the skies and the sounds of angry geese pierce your ears. A bench sits underneath one of the tallest trees calling out as if it was out there just for you. You drag Loki over to it and collapse onto the bench. Out of all the pregnancy symptoms, the fatigue has been the worst. You're just tired all the time and don't want to move.
Loki notices this and presses a soft kiss to your lips. "Rest, darling. I'm here"
Your head falls to his shoulder and you drift off as he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. Something he's taken to doing when he realizes you're stressed.
A kiss to your temple brings you back from sleep. You open your eyes to see Loki on the phone. The faint sound of shouting can be heard from the other end. When Loki hangs up, he reaches his hand out to help you up.
"We should get back now. Stark is pissed about something"
"Isn't he always" you joke and Loki laughs in agreement.
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You and Loki walk into the compound laughing, but you stop when you reach the living room.
Everyone is gathered in a circle with their arms crossed. They turn around when you walk in and stare at you. Tony is the first one to speak up.
"How could you be this careless? You really didn't think anyone would find out did you?"
You and Loki look at each other with the same thought. They found out about the baby.
But then you see what Tony is pointing at. Pictures of you and Loki in the park today are all over the news.
Avenger Engaged to Mass Murderer?
Reporters voice their own opinions on your relationship, making accusations that Loki is manipulating you. The main focus is on your promise ring. Everyone has just assumed that it's an engagement ring. They don't even seem to notice that it's on the wrong hand to be an engagement ring.
You begin pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do. Sam grabs you by the shoulders stopping you.
"Hey, we'll work this out. We're the Avengers. A couple of tabloids aren't anything we can't handle" he tries to calm you down.
You nod slowly and turn your gaze to the group which seems to be coming up with a plan. You take your place next to Loki and listen to Pepper. She's the only one who seems to have a clue right now.
She comes up with a plan to clear everything up. In two weeks, after the news has died down, Tony will announce a press conference. At that press conference, you and Loki will announce your relationship and tell everyone that you are not in fact engaged or being manipulated. Afterward, there will be a signature Tony Stark party where people can see how you interact with each other. Once they see that, they will see that you actually care for each other.