2. no bad habits

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A/N pic is to show how I imagine Mr. Styles in the beginning, hair not quite long yet.



Louis followed Mr. Styles around the room like an eager puppy, arms stacked with the trays, and Mr. Styles would take one tray at a time from Louis and place it on the tables, which sat two students each. Some of these thirsty girls were so obvious it was ridiculous, giggling and whispering when Mr. Styles would approach them. Mr. Styles seemed indifferent to it, but Louis still felt incredibly jealous, and wondered if he had misread what Mr. Styles said earlier?

When the last tray had been sat out, Mr. Styles turned to Louis with a little smile and nodded. "Thank you Louis, you've been very helpful, now back to your table please."

Louis enthusiastically responded "You're welcome Mr. Styles!" And made his way to the back of the room. He kind of liked being ordered around by Mr. Styles. He could get used to it. Ashley sat there, chest pushed out and a dumb look on her face. Louis rolled his eyes slightly. He had forgotten about this one over here. Oh well, guess he had to put up with it for at least the next forty minutes or so. Thank god they didn't have assigned seating.

He took his place and paid better attention to what a teacher was saying then he ever had. He hung on every heavily accented word like a life preserver as Mr. Styles slowly drew them out. "Alright, so I thought we could start with something easy, since I'm not quite sure how experienced you all are with some of the more dangerous elements. And we don't want it to get messy in here." He laughed lightly and rolled up his sleeves, revealing toned forearms and a black anchor tattoo adorning his left, starting just above his wrist. Louis wondered if there were others in places he couldn't see.

Louis may or may not have been feeling a little tight in his red pants at this moment. He slid forward in his seat to hide his arousal, adjusting the inconveniently fitted crotch. Glancing to his left he saw Ashley was smiling at her phone that was propped up behind her purse on the table. Thank fuck. Mr. Styles explained they would be testing pH levels in liquids and the students busied themselves to measure things out into the beakers. Louis sighed as Ashley "accidentally" brushed her chest against his bicep while going for the container at the edge of the table. Really bitch?

A shadow was cast over half of Louis' table and he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder, grasping it lightly. "How are we doing over here?"

Louis gasped and dropped the half full beaker he had been holding. It shattered into several pieces on the hard table, liquid spreading across in a puddle. "Goddamnit! Ugh!" Louis shouted automatically without thinking. He heard a couple shocked laughs and quiet "oh my god"s.

The grip on his shoulder tightened and he looked up to see Mr. Styles glaring down at him. "Excuse me, Louis, what was that?"

"I'm... I'm sorry Mr. Styles I didn't mean to say it, it just s-slipped." Louis fumbled for his words because all he could focus on right now were the man's long fingers that were gripping Louis' entire shoulder like he owned him.

Mr. Styles surveyed him coolly for a moment before responding, "Louis, I'd like to see you after class today."

Louis just nodded and mumbled, "Yes, Mr. Styles." The man released him from his hold and continued along the row. Louis hustled to grab paper towels from the sink on the side of the room to clean up the spill. Ashley looked up from her phone. "I can help you with that babe -" she started enthusiastically.

"I've got it," Louis snapped, which was probably a little harsh but he just got detention or what the fuck ever on his birthday. What a weird day this was turning out to be. He tossed the wadded up paper towels into the nearby trash and sat back down with a sigh. "Let's try this again, shall we?" He asked in a clipped tone, and they got back to work. When the bell rang everyone started to gather their things.

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