14. exposed

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Thursday morning, Louis held the lavender lace panties up in front of himself, sighing. He was going to wear them. He was going to love it. But he wasn't going to love worrying about them riding up above his pants and possibly showing people fem Louis. He had showered and shaved first, of course. He didn't do fem halfway. He put them on and decided to wear his bright blue form fitting pants, making sure to reach inside and pull the lace down below his waistband.

He was going to wear a white v neck tee when he saw the red love bite on his collar bone exposed and gasped at his stupid mistake. He wore a regular black tee shirt and matching sweatshirt, tying the strings in a cute bow, ensuring no one would see how sexed up he got, bringing boxers for gym class. Why did Mr. Styles have to make his life so wonderfully difficult? He winced slightly on his way out the door and off to school to feel his pants chafing his rug burned knees. Worth it, he decided.


"... fit great," he heard Liam say as he approached his friends.

"Zayn's vibrator? Thought the date was Friday," Louis responded.

Lexie put a hand in front of her mouth as she laughed and Liam gasped in mock outrage. "How dare – I was talking about the shorts Lexie gave me, I hate you so much sometimes."

Louis shrugged, "I know, but you love me most of the time."

"Still coming over later or will you be... occupied?" Liam asked. Little bastard.

"I think I can squeeze you in between setting the standard for beauty and making everyone cry."

"You're so humble," Lexie remarked.

"Okay but seriously, I'll come over um, I don't know seven? I wanna eat first." And get fucked beforehand of course. Just as important as eating really.

"A lot of homework eh? Gotta prioritize," Liam smirked.

"Yes, Liam. Loads." The bell rang. "Shall we Lexie?" The pair turned and Louis held up his middle finger high in the air behind him as they left.

"So Lexie what's the plan today? Maybe going to ask his sign and –"

"Louis! You promised."

"Alright fine. You know you've really clipped my wings. Can't wait till I can make fun of you again."

"Yeah, love you too Louis." She lightly pushed him and he laughed.

Getting changed in the locker room, Louis was pleased he had thought to go in the stall and change there so he could switch to boxers for now. Didn't need the lace to show while he was playing sports. However, Louis had a little problem. He hadn't brought sweats. He had brought shorts. He mentally face palmed himself, not thrilled to show everyone his scratched up knees. He joined Lexie in the gym and she commented, "What happened to your knees?"

"Um, fell during practice, some asshole shoved me down." Mr. Horan was nearby, and glanced down at Louis' knees and back to his face for a moment, before calling out instructions for dodgeball. Fuck, did he just overhear that? Shit.

Louis was already stressed out and the day had barely begun. He took out his frustrations as he fired balls at the opposite team, and his team ended up winning. When the game was over he ditched the boxers, back to fem Lou, something he had never considered trying before it was suggested. 'Don't knock it 'til you try it,' he thought. He felt like he was the best of both worlds, feminine but masculine at the same time. Sexy. And he couldn't wait to see Mr. Styles get turned on in class when he flashed him, proving he could be that bold, and a good boy who would hopefully be rewarded later for listening.

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