26. kinky

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Mr. Styles watched Louis leave, hoping he would have a good time and not think he was being sent away just to get a break from his company. The man had truly enjoyed Louis' presence during his stay over so far, unsure if they would get another opportunity like that - but Mr. Styles had things to do today that required his full attention, that he also thought would be smartest to keep to himself, for now.

He remembered the state he left Louis' uniform in, smirking as he gathered the clothes from the floor and put a load of laundry in the washer to start. He'd finish it later, right now he needed to get ready because he was on a tight schedule. He was irritated that he'd let his hair dry weirdly, sleeping on it wet, but he'd been so focused on helping his exhausted boy to feel safe and good again that he had rushed to bathe then cuddle him as he rested. In his opinion, Louis' well being mattered more than his own vanity or convenience or anything really. And okay wasn't he supposed to be focusing on upcoming business, not thinking about how to be a good dominant for Louis?

He checked the time, then went to his closet selecting a nice, well put together outfit and got dressed. Leaning over the bathroom sink with the water turned on slightly, he ran his fingers through the frizzed locks, rewetting them. He stood up and combed it thoroughly, then distributed product through til he was satisfied that the curls were structured and smooth, gracefully pushed to the side on top. His hair was steadily getting longer, another couple of inches and it would brush the tops of his shoulders. He liked it, and he knew Louis liked it too. He'd always wanted long hair, so he planned to get no more than a trim of split ends during the upcoming months.

Normally he needed to purchase more alcohol every weekend, having finished the bottle. But when he approached the kitchen counter and picked up the glass container, tipping it to see how much was hidden behind the label, the liquid appeared quickly, sloshing toward the neck. He hadn't noticed that while Louis was here, he'd stopped drinking altogether. He was by no means an alcoholic, only having enjoyed a few at the end of the day normally, so there was no physical need and therefore no withdrawal.

Mr. Styles' speciality was science and facts, his brain having an affinity for quantifiable things. And there was no denying the fact that the more time he spent with Louis, the less inclined he was to reach for a toxic comfort. The evidence was right here in front of him in a mostly full bottle that should be empty.

Louis had become his new source of both calming vibes at the end of the day and a light warmth spread throughout his body - he'd found a way to escape and relax elsewhere without intentionally trading one thing for the other. Louis was his drug of choice, and his baby came with far more desirable effects than even the finest of liqueur could summon. He put the bottle in a cabinet out of the way and shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. Louis was a good influence on him. Interesting.

"Okay," he said out loud, mind now refocused as he patted his pockets to find his wallet and keys. He gathered the necessary things from his office, before walking with purpose out to his car and leaving.


L & Z

Louis' friends' cars were already in the driveway when he got home, and they had let themselves in because that's just what best friends do (Lexie had a key, Liam's key privileges were temporarily revoked after he ate all of Louis' fruit snacks a few weeks ago and left a note inside the box saying 'snatched your edges, love liam', borrowed a shirt, then peaced out before Louis got there).

Louis scowled at his friends upon entering his living room to see that Liam was holding a tiny piglet. "I swear to fuck if you bought me a pet pig this isn't funny -"

"No it's Peggy!" Liam said affectionately as if that explained it all.


Lexie rolled her eyes at him. "Ugh Louis I told you! I got another pet pig. This one's really sweet though. She hasn't even attacked me yet."

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