Another arrange marriage

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Lisa POV

Jungkook: By the way, how did you get in here?

Jin: Is it our fault that you left your gate open?

LisKook: Did we?!

Both of them nodded

Jin: But don't worry I already closed it

My phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket

Unnie, we're all outside your house, please open the gates for us

Lisa: Jungkook, our parents and Somi are outside

Both of us went outside and opened the gates. They drove inside

Somi: Someone is here?

Lisa: Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa

We all went inside. Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa stood up and bowed at our parents. We all sat down

Lisa's Mom: Since Jisoo and Jin are the ones who are here... hmm Lisa I have something to whisper to you

I went towards my eomma

Lisa's Mom: Is it okay if Jisoo will be your maid of honor and Jin will be Jungkook's best man?

Lisa: That's actually a great idea, I'll ask Jungkook

Jungkook: Ask me what?

I went beside him and went towards his ear

Lisa: Is it okay if Jin oppa will be your best man?

Jungkook: That's a good idea

We both smiled and looked at JinSoo

JinSoo: What?

Lisa: Nothing, it's about the wedding

Jisoo: Looks like you still need to talk about the wedding, me and Seokjin will go now

Jin oppa nodded. After bowing at our parents they both left

Jungkook's Mom: What did you three whispered about?

Lisa: Jisoo unnie will be my maid of honor //smiles//

Jungkook: And Jin hyung will be my best man //smiles//

Lisa's Dad: How about the bridesmaids and groomsmen?

Lisa: Jennie unnie, Rosè, Momo unnie, Jihyo, Nayeon unnie, and Somi

Jungkook: Tae hyung, Jimin hyung, Hobi hyung, Rm hyung, Yoongi hyung, and- Somi, do you want Vernon to be your partner?

Somi: Is that a question of curiosity or a question to annoy me?

Jungkook: Why are you so mad at him?

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