Drunken mistake

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Lisa POV

Does she think I would believe that bullshit?

Jungkook: Okay, you can go now, we won't believe you anyways

I bit my lip to hide a chuckle

Yeri: Right. Who would believe me anyways? But in case you wanna remember, I have three words. Boys.night.out

I got confused. How did she know about their boys night out two months ago?

Yeri: //smiles// I'll go now. Enjoy your date

She waved at us and walked away. I looked at Jungkook but he quickly looked away

Lisa: Why does she know about that?

Jungkook: I-I don't know

Lisa: Jeon Jungkook!

He looked at me and his eyes were full of guilt

Jungkook: Baby, I'm so sorry

I scoffed and my eyes were slowly tearing up

Lisa: Would a sorry bring back what happened?!

I stood up and walked away. He quickly followed me and pulled my arm

Jungkook: Babe, please. I was so drunk that night

I faced him and shook my head

Lisa: That's bullshit

I took my arm and walked away. He is following me while saying fucking excuses. I quickly wiped a tear that left my eye. I saw Yeri pass out so I ran towards her

Lisa: Yeri! Yeri!

I said while shaking her

Lisa: Shit! Let's go to the hospital!

I told Jungkook

Jungkook: What?!

Lisa: If you don't want to go with us then give your fucking keys and I'll fucking drive!!

Jungkook: Babe-

Lisa: Jungkook!! Yeri already passed out and you still have the guts to give me fucking excuses?!!

He sighed and walked to his car. So he doesn't have a plan to help me carry Yeri?! I sighed and took one of her arm on my shoulder. I supported her body by holding her waist. I put her in the back seat and I sat beside her

Jungkook: Aren't you at least going to seat beside me?

Lisa: Jungkook, we don't have time to argue about that!

Jungkook: Baby-

Lisa: Just fucking drive!!!

He pursed his lips and just drove to the hospital. I looked at Yeri. I want to get angry at her, slap her, kick her, beat her up, and kill her. But knowing that a child is inside her makes me guilty just because I thought of killing her

Lisa: Why?

I whispered

Jungkook: Sorry

Lisa: Huh?

Jungkook: I heard you, babe

Lisa: You can stop calling me babe

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